It's common that Fluent Bit output plugins aims to connect to external services to deliver the logs over the network, this is the case of HTTP, Elasticsearch and Forward within others. Being able to connect to one node (host) is normal and enough for more of the use cases, but there are other scenarios where balancing across different nodes is required. The Upstream feature provides such capability.
An Upstream defines a set of nodes that will be targeted by an output plugin, by the nature of the implementation an output plugin must support the Upstream feature. The following plugin(s) have Upstream support:
The current balancing mode implemented is round-robin.
To define an Upstream it's required to create an specific configuration file that contains an UPSTREAM and one or multiple NODE sections. The following table describe the properties associated to each section. Note that all of them are mandatory:
Defines a name for the Upstream in question.
Defines a name for the Node in question.
IP address or hostname of the target host.
TCP port of the target service.
A Node might contain additional configuration keys required by the plugin, on that way we provide enough flexibility for the output plugin, a common use case is Forward output where if TLS is enabled, it requires a shared key (more details in the example below).
In addition to the properties defined in the table above, the network operations against a defined node can optionally be done through the use of TLS for further encryption and certificates use.
The TLS options available are described in the TLS/SSL section and can be added to the any Node section.
The following example defines an Upstream called forward-balancing which aims to be used by Forward output plugin, it register three Nodes:
node-1: connects to
node-2: connects to
node-3: connects to using TLS without verification. It also defines a specific configuration option required by Forward output called shared_key.
Note that every Upstream definition must exists on it own configuration file in the file system. Adding multiple Upstreams in the same file or different files is not allowed.