The file output plugin allows to write the data received through the input plugin to file.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Directory path to store files. If not set, Fluent Bit will write the files on it's own positioned directory. note: this option was added on Fluent Bit v1.4.6
Set file name to store the records. If not set, the file name will be the tag associated with the records.
The format of the file content. See also Format section. Default: out_file.
Recursively create output directory if it does not exist. Permissions set to 0755.
Output time, tag and json records. There is no configuration parameters for out_file.
Output the records as JSON (without additional tag
and timestamp
attributes). There is no configuration parameters for plain format.
Output the records as csv. Csv supports an additional configuration parameter.
The character to separate each data. Accepted values are "\t" (or "tab"), "space" or "comma". Other values are ignored and will use default silently. Default: ','
Output the records as LTSV. LTSV supports an additional configuration parameter.
The character to separate each pair. Default: '\t'(TAB)
The character to separate label and the value. Default: ':'
Output the records using a custom format template.
The format string. Default: '{time} {message}'
This accepts a formatting template and fills placeholders using corresponding values in a record.
For example, if you set up the configuration as below:
You will get the following output:
You can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
From the command line you can let Fluent Bit count up a data with the following options:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
The number of to perform flush operations for this output.