High Performance Log and Metrics Processor
Fluent Bit is a Fast and Lightweight Logs and Metrics Processor and Forwarder for Linux, OSX, Windows and BSD family operating systems. It has been made with a strong focus on performance to allow the collection of events from different sources without complexity.
High Performance
Metrics Collection (Prometheus compatible)
Reliability and Data Integrity
Backpressure Handling
Data Buffering in memory and file system
Security: built-in TLS/SSL support
Asynchronous I/O
Pluggable Architecture and Extensibility: Inputs, Filters and Outputs
More than 80 built-in plugins available
Write any input, filter or output plugin in C language
Bonus: write Filters in Lua or Output plugins in Golang
Monitoring: expose internal metrics over HTTP in JSON and Prometheus format
Stream Processing: Perform data selection and transformation using simple SQL queries
Create new streams of data using query results
Aggregation Windows
Data analysis and prediction: Timeseries forecasting
Portable: runs on Linux, MacOS, Windows and BSD systems
Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd, it's licensed under the terms of the Apache License v2.0. This project was originally created by Treasure Data and is currently a vendor neutral and community driven project.
Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd
Fluent Bit is an open source and multi-platform log processor tool which aims to be a generic Swiss knife for logs processing and distribution.
Nowadays the number of sources of information in our environments is ever increasing. Handling data collection at scale is complex, and collecting and aggregating diverse data requires a specialized tool that can deal with:
Different sources of information
Different data formats
Data Reliability
Flexible Routing
Multiple destinations
Fluent Bit has been designed with performance and low resources consumption in mind.
Every project has a story
On 2014, the Fluentd team at Treasure Data forecasted the need of a lightweight log processor for constraint environments like Embedded Linux and Gateways, the project aimed to be part of the Fluentd Ecosystem and we called it Fluent Bit, fully open source and available under the terms of the Apache License v2.0.
After the project was around for some time, it got some traction in the Embedded market but we also started getting requests for several features from the Cloud community like more inputs, filters, and outputs. Not so long after that, Fluent Bit becomes one of the preferred solutions to solve the logging challenges in Cloud environments.
The Production Grade Ecosystem
Licensed under the terms of Apache License v2.0
Production Grade solutions: deployed thousands of times every single day, millions per month.
Community driven projects
Widely Adopted by the Industry: trusted by all major companies like AWS, Microsoft, Google Cloud and hundred of others.
The following table describes a comparison in different areas of the projects:
Modify, Enrich or Drop your records
In production environments we want to have full control of the data we are collecting, filtering is an important feature that allows us to alter the data before delivering it to some destination.
Filtering is implemented through plugins, so each filter available could be used to match, exclude or enrich your logs with some specific metadata.
We support many filters, A common use case for filtering is Kubernetes deployments. Every Pod log needs to get the proper metadata associated
Very similar to the input plugins, Filters run in an instance context, which has its own independent configuration. Configuration keys are often called properties.
Logging and data processing in general can be complex, and at scale a bit more, that's why was born. Fluentd has become more than a simple tool, it has grown into a fullscale ecosystem that contains SDKs for different languages and sub-projects like .
On this page, we will describe the relationship between the and open source projects, as a summary we can say both are:
Hosted projects by the
Originally created by .
Both projects share a lot of similarities, is fully designed and built on top of the best ideas of architecture and general design. Choosing which one to use depends on the end-user needs.
Both and can work as Aggregators or Forwarders, they both can complement each other or use them as standalone solutions.
For more details about the Filters available and their usage, please refer to the section.
Containers / Servers
Embedded Linux / Containers / Servers
C & Ruby
High Performance
High Performance
Built as a Ruby Gem, it requires a certain number of gems.
Zero dependencies, unless some special plugin requires them.
More than 1000 plugins available
Around 70 plugins available
Performance and Data Safety
When Fluent Bit processes data, it uses the system memory (heap) as a primary and temporal place to store the record logs before they get delivered, on this private memory area the records are processed.
Buffering refers to the ability to store the records somewhere, and while they are processed and delivered, still be able to store more. Buffering in memory is the fastest mechanism, but there are certain scenarios where the mechanism requires special strategies to deal with backpressure, data safety or reduce memory consumption by the service in constraint environments.
Network failures or latency on third party service is pretty common, and on scenarios where we cannot deliver data fast enough as we receive new data to process, we likely will face backpressure.
Our buffering strategies are designed to solve problems associated with backpressure and general delivery failures.
Fluent Bit as buffering strategies, offers a primary buffering mechanism in memory and an optional secondary one using the file system. With this hybrid solution you can adjust to any use case safety and keep a high performance while processing your data.
Both mechanisms are not exclusive and when the data is ready to be processed or delivered it will be always in memory, while other data in the queue might be in the file system until is ready to be processed and moved up to memory.
To learn more about the buffering configuration in Fluent Bit, please jump to the Buffering & Storage section.
For production systems, we strongly suggest that you always get the latest stable release of the source code in either zip or tarball format from Github using the following link pattern:
https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/archive/refs/tags/v<release version>.tar.gz https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/archive/refs/tags/v<release version>.zip
For example for version 1.8.12 the link is the following: https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/archive/refs/tags/v1.8.12.tar.gz
For anyone who aims to contribute to the project by testing or extending the code base, you can get the development version from our GIT repository:
Note that our master branch is where the development of Fluent Bit happens. Since it's a development version, expect issues when compiling or at run time.
We encourage everybody to help us testing every development version, at the end this is what will become stable.
Strong Commitment to the Openness and Collaboration
Fluent Bit, including it core, plugins and tools are distributed under the terms of the Apache License v2.0:
The way to gather data from your sources
Fluent Bit provides different Input Plugins to gather information from different sources, some of them just collect data from log files while others can gather metrics information from the operating system. There are many plugins for different needs.
When an input plugin is loaded, an internal instance is created. Every instance has its own and independent configuration. Configuration keys are often called properties.
Every input plugin has its own documentation section where it's specified how it can be used and what properties are available.
For more details, please refer to the Input Plugins section.
Create flexible routing rules
Routing is a core feature that allows to route your data through Filters and finally to one or multiple destinations. The router relies on the concept of Tags and Matching rules
There are two important concepts in Routing:
When the data is generated by the input plugins, it comes with a Tag (most of the time the Tag is configured manually), the Tag is a human-readable indicator that helps to identify the data source.
In order to define where the data should be routed, a Match rule must be specified in the output configuration.
Consider the following configuration example that aims to deliver CPU metrics to an Elasticsearch database and Memory metrics to the standard output interface:
Note: the above is a simple example demonstrating how Routing is configured.
Routing works automatically reading the Input Tags and the Output Match rules. If some data has a Tag that doesn't match upon routing time, the data is deleted.
Routing is flexible enough to support wildcard in the Match pattern. The below example defines a common destination for both sources of data:
The match rule is set to my_* which means it will match any Tag that starts with my_.
Convert Unstructured to Structured messages
Dealing with raw strings or unstructured messages is a constant pain; having a structure is highly desired. Ideally we want to set a structure to the incoming data by the Input Plugins as soon as they are collected:
The Parser allows you to convert from unstructured to structured data. As a demonstrative example consider the following Apache (HTTP Server) log entry:
The above log line is a raw string without format, ideally we would like to give it a structure that can be processed later easily. If the proper configuration is used, the log entry could be converted to:
Parsers are fully configurable and are independently and optionally handled by each input plugin, for more details please refer to the Parsers section.
Destinations for your data: databases, cloud services and more!
The output interface allows us to define destinations for the data. Common destinations are remote services, local file system or standard interface with others. Outputs are implemented as plugins and there are many available.
When an output plugin is loaded, an internal instance is created. Every instance has its own independent configuration. Configuration keys are often called properties.
Every output plugin has its own documentation section specifying how it can be used and what properties are available.
For more details, please refer to the Output Plugins section.
Fluent Bit is distributed as td-agent-bit package and is available for the latest Amazon Linux 2. The following architectures are supported
aarch64 / arm64v8
We provide td-agent-bit through a Yum repository. In order to add the repository reference to your system, please add a new file called td-agent-bit.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the following content:
note: we encourage you always enable the gpgcheck for security reasons. All our packages are signed.
The GPG Key fingerprint of the new key is:
The GPG Key fingerprint of the old key is:
Once your repository is configured, run the following command to install it:
Now the following step is to instruct systemd to enable the service:
If you do a status check, you should see a similar output like this:
The default configuration of td-agent-bit is collecting metrics of CPU usage and sending the records to the standard output, you can see the outgoing data in your /var/log/messages file.
From the 1.9.0 and 1.8.15 releases please note that the GPG key has been updated at so ensure this new one is added.
The previous key is still available at and may be required to install previous versions.
Refer to the to see which platforms are supported in each release.
Fluent Bit uses very low CPU and Memory consumption, it's compatible with most of x86, x86_64, arm32v7 and arm64v8 based platforms. In order to build it you need the following components in your system for the build process:
Compiler: GCC or clang
Flex & Bison: only if you enable the Stream Processor or Record Accessor feature (both enabled by default)
In the core there are not other dependencies, For certain features that depends on third party components like output plugins with special backend libraries (e.g: kafka), those are included in the main source code repository.
Data processing with reliability
Previously defined in the Buffering concept section, the buffer
phase in the pipeline aims to provide a unified and persistent mechanism to store your data, either using the primary in-memory model or using the filesystem based mode.
The buffer
phase already contains the data in an immutable state, meaning, no other filter can be applied.
Note that buffered data is not raw text, it's in Fluent Bit's internal binary representation.
Fluent Bit offers a buffering mechanism in the file system that acts as a backup system to avoid data loss in case of system failures.
Fluent Bit is distributed as td-agent-bit package and is available for the latest (and old) stable Debian systems: Buster, Stretch and Jessie.
The first step is to add our server GPG key to your keyring, on that way you can get our signed packages:
The GPG Key fingerprint of the new key is:
The GPG Key fingerprint of the old key is:
On Debian, you need to add our APT server entry to your sources lists, please add the following content at bottom of your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
Now let your system update the apt database:
We recommend upgrading your system (sudo apt-get upgrade
). This could avoid potential issues with expired certificates.
Using the following apt-get command you are able now to install the latest td-agent-bit:
Now the following step is to instruct systemd to enable the service:
If you do a status check, you should see a similar output like this:
The default configuration of td-agent-bit is collecting metrics of CPU usage and sending the records to the standard output, you can see the outgoing data in your /var/log/syslog file.
In the following steps you can find exact commands to build and install the project with the default options. If you already know how CMake works you can skip this part and look at the build options available. Note that Fluent Bit requires CMake 3.x. You may need to use
instead ofcmake
to complete the following steps on your system.
Change to the build/ directory inside the Fluent Bit sources:
Now you are ready to start the compilation process through the simple make command:
to continue installing the binary on the system just do:
it's likely you may need root privileges so you can try to prefixing the command with sudo.
Fluent Bit provides certain options to CMake that can be enabled or disabled when configuring, please refer to the following tables under the General Options, Development Options, Input Plugins and _Output Plugins sections.
The input plugins provides certain features to gather information from a specific source type which can be a network interface, some built-in metric or through a specific input device, the following input plugins are available:
The filter plugins allows to modify, enrich or drop records. The following table describes the filters available on this version:
The output plugins gives the capacity to flush the information to some external interface, service or terminal, the following table describes the output plugins available as of this version:
From the 1.9.0 and 1.8.15 releases please note that the GPG key has been updated at so ensure this new one is added.
The previous key is still available at and may be required to install previous versions.
Refer to the to see which platforms are supported in each release.
uses as it build system. The suggested procedure to prepare the build system consists of the following steps:
Let configure the project specifying where the root path is located:
Enable all features available
Use Jemalloc as default memory allocator
Build with SSL/TLS support
Build executable
Build examples
Build shared library
Enable mtrace support
Enable Inotify support
Force POSIX thread storage
Enable SQL embedded database support
Enable HTTP Server
Enable Lua scripting support
Enable record accessor
Enable AWS Signv4 support
Build binary using static configuration files. The value of this option must be a directory containing configuration files.
Enable Stream Processor
Build binaries with debug symbols
Enable Valgrind support
Enable trace mode
Minimise binary size
Enable runtime tests
Enable internal tests
Enable tests
Enable backtrace/stacktrace support
Enable Collectd input plugin
Enable CPU input plugin
Enable Disk I/O Metrics input plugin
Enable Docker metrics input plugin
Enable Exec input plugin
Enable Forward input plugin
Enable Head input plugin
Enable Health input plugin
Enable Kernel log input plugin
Enable Memory input plugin
Enable MQTT Server input plugin
Enable Network I/O metrics input plugin
Enable Process monitoring input plugin
Enable Random input plugin
Enable Serial input plugin
Enable Standard input plugin
Enable Syslog input plugin
Enable Systemd / Journald input plugin
Enable Tail (follow files) input plugin
Enable TCP input plugin
Enable system temperature(s) input plugin
Enable Windows Event Log input plugin (Windows Only)
Enable AWS metadata filter
Enable Expect data test filter
Enable Grep filter
Enable Kubernetes metadata filter
Enable Lua scripting filter
Enable Modify filter
Enable Nest filter
Enable Parser filter
Enable Record Modifier filter
Enable Rewrite Tag filter
Enable Stdout filter
Enable Throttle filter
Enable Microsoft Azure output plugin
Enable Google BigQuery output plugin
Enable Counter output plugin
Enable Amazon CloudWatch output plugin
Enable Datadog output plugin
Enable Elastic Search output plugin
Enable File output plugin
Enable Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose output plugin
Enable Amazon Kinesis Data Streams output plugin
Enable Flowcounter output plugin
Enable Fluentd output plugin
Enable Gelf output plugin
Enable HTTP output plugin
Enable InfluxDB output plugin
Enable Kafka output
Enable Kafka REST Proxy output plugin
Enable Lib output plugin
Enable NATS output plugin
Enable NULL output plugin
Enable PostgreSQL output plugin
Enable Plot output plugin
Enable Slack output plugin
Enable Amazon S3 output plugin
Enable Splunk output plugin
Enable Google Stackdriver output plugin
Enable STDOUT output plugin
Enable TCP/TLS output plugin
Enable Treasure Data output plugin
Fluent Bit is distributed as td-agent-bit package and is available for the latest stable Ubuntu system: Focal Fossa.
The first step is to add our server GPG key to your keyring, on that way you can get our signed packages:
From the 1.9.0 and 1.8.15 releases please note that the GPG key has been updated at https://packages.fluentbit.io/fluentbit.key so ensure this new one is added.
The GPG Key fingerprint of the new key is:
The previous key is still available at https://packages.fluentbit.io/fluentbit-legacy.key and may be required to install previous versions.
The GPG Key fingerprint of the old key is:
Refer to the supported platform documentation to see which platforms are supported in each release.
On Ubuntu, you need to add our APT server entry to your sources lists, please add the following content at bottom of your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
Now let your system update the apt database:
We recommend upgrading your system (sudo apt-get upgrade
). This could avoid potential issues with expired certificates.
Using the following apt-get command you are able now to install the latest td-agent-bit:
Now the following step is to instruct systemd to enable the service:
If you do a status check, you should see a similar output like this:
The default configuration of td-agent-bit is collecting metrics of CPU usage and sending the records to the standard output, you can see the outgoing data in your /var/log/syslog file.
AWS maintains a distribution of Fluent Bit combining the latest official release with a set of Go Plugins for sending logs to AWS services. AWS and Fluent Bit are working together to rewrite their plugins for inclusion in the official Fluent Bit distribution.
Currently, the AWS for Fluent Bit image contains Go Plugins for:
Fluent Bit includes Amazon CloudWatch Logs plugin named cloudwatch_logs
, Amazon Kinesis Firehose plugin named kinesis_firehose
and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams plugin named kinesis_streams
which are higher performance than Go plugins.
Also, Fluent Bit includes S3 output plugin named s3
AWS vends their container image via Docker Hub, and a set of highly available regional Amazon ECR repositories. For more information, see the AWS for Fluent Bit GitHub repo.
The AWS for Fluent Bit image uses a custom versioning scheme because it contains multiple projects. To see what each release contains, check out the release notes on GitHub.
AWS vends SSM Public Parameters with the regional repository link for each image. These parameters can be queried by any AWS account.
To see a list of available version tags in a given region, run the following command:
To see the ECR repository URI for a given image tag in a given region, run the following:
You can use these SSM public parameters as parameters in your CloudFormation templates:
From the 1.9.0 and 1.8.15 releases please note that the GPG key has been updated at https://packages.fluentbit.io/fluentbit.key so ensure this new one is added.
The GPG Key fingerprint of the new key is:
The previous key is still available at https://packages.fluentbit.io/fluentbit-legacy.key and may be required to install previous versions.
The GPG Key fingerprint of the old key is:
Refer to the supported platform documentation to see which platforms are supported in each release.## Migration to Fluent BitFrom version 1.9, td-agent-bit
is a deprecated package and will be removed in the future.The correct package name to use now is fluent-bit
.Both are currently provided to allow migration.
The following serves as a guide on how to install/deploy/upgrade Fluent Bit
Containers on AWS
CentOS / Red Hat
Amazon Linux
Raspbian / Rasberry Pi
Yocto / Embedded Linux
Windows Server 2019
Windows 10 2019.03
Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS
The following operating systems and architectures are supported in Fluent Bit.
From an architecture support perspective, Fluent Bit is fully functional on x86_64, Arm64v8 and Arm32v7 based processors.
Fluent Bit can work also on OSX and *BSD systems, but not all plugins will be available on all platforms. Official support will be expanding based on community demand. Fluent Bit may run on older operating systems though will need to be built from source, or use custom packages from enterprise providers
Fluent Bit is distributed as td-agent-bit package and is available for the latest stable CentOS system. The following architectures are supported
aarch64 / arm64v8
We provide td-agent-bit through a Yum repository. In order to add the repository reference to your system, please add a new file called td-agent-bit.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the following content:
note: we encourage you always enable the gpgcheck for security reasons. All our packages are signed.
The GPG Key fingerprint of the new key is:
The GPG Key fingerprint of the old key is:
Once your repository is configured, run the following command to install it:
Now the following step is to instruct Systemd to enable the service:
If you do a status check, you should see a similar output like this:
The default configuration of td-agent-bit is collecting metrics of CPU usage and sending the records to the standard output, you can see the outgoing data in your /var/log/messages file.
Kubernetes Production Grade Log Processor
Process Kubernetes containers logs from the file system or Systemd/Journald.
Enrich logs with Kubernetes Metadata.
Centralize your logs in third party storage services like Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, HTTP, etc.
Before getting started it is important to understand how Fluent Bit will be deployed. Kubernetes manages a cluster of nodes, so our log agent tool will need to run on every node to collect logs from every POD, hence Fluent Bit is deployed as a DaemonSet (a POD that runs on every node of the cluster).
When Fluent Bit runs, it will read, parse and filter the logs of every POD and will enrich each entry with the following information (metadata):
Pod Name
Pod ID
Container Name
Container ID
To obtain this information, a built-in filter plugin called kubernetes talks to the Kubernetes API Server to retrieve relevant information such as the pod_id, labels and annotations, other fields such as pod_name, container_id and container_name are retrieved locally from the log file names. All of this is handled automatically, no intervention is required from a configuration aspect.
For Kubernetes v1.21 and below
For Kubernetes v1.22
The next step is to create a ConfigMap that will be used by our Fluent Bit DaemonSet:
If you are using Red Hat OpenShift you will also need to run the following
For Kubernetes versions older than v1.16, the DaemonSet resource is not available on apps/v1
, the resource is available on apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
. Our current Daemonset Yaml files uses the new apiVersion
If you are using and older Kubernetes version, manually grab a copy of your Daemonset Yaml file and replace the value of apiVersion
You can read more about this deprecation on Kubernetes v1.14 Changelog here:
Fluent Bit DaemonSet ready to be used with Elasticsearch on a normal Kubernetes Cluster:
If you are using Minikube for testing purposes, use the following alternative DaemonSet manifest:
To add the Fluent Helm Charts repo use the following command
To validate that the repo was added you can run helm search repo fluent
to ensure the charts were added. The default chart can then be installed by running the following
The default configuration of Fluent Bit makes sure of the following:
Consume all containers logs from the running Node.
The Kubernetes filter will enrich the logs with Kubernetes metadata, specifically labels and annotations. The filter only goes to the API Server when it cannot find the cached info, otherwise it uses the cache.
There is an option called Retry_Limit set to False, that means if Fluent Bit cannot flush the records to Elasticsearch it will re-try indefinitely until it succeed.
Fluent Bit by default assumes that logs are formatted by the Docker interface standard. However, when using CRI you can run into issues with malformed JSON if you do not modify the parser used. Fluent Bit includes a CRI log parser that can be used instead. An example of the parser is seen below:
To use this parser change the Input section for your configuration from docker
to cri
Since v1.5.0, Fluent Bit supports deployment to Windows pods.
When deploying Fluent Bit to Kubernetes, there are three log files that you need to pay attention to.
This is the error log file from kubelet daemon running on host.
You will need to retain this file for future troubleshooting (to debug deployment failures etc.)
This is the main log file you need to watch. Configure Fluent Bit to follow this file.
It is actually a symlink to the Docker log file in C:\ProgramData\
, with some additional metadata on its file name.
This is the log file produced by Docker.
Normally you don't directly read from this file, but you need to make sure that this file is visible from Fluent Bit.
Typically, your deployment yaml contains the following volume configuration.
- Retries N times until the network start working (6)
- Lookup interval between network status checks (30)
By default, Fluent Bit waits for 3 minutes (30 seconds x 6 times). If it's not enough for you, tweak the configuration as follows.
We distribute two main recipes, one for testing/dev purposes and other with the latest stable release.
It's strongly recommended to always use the stable release of Fluent Bit recipe and not the one from GIT master for production deployments.
Fluent Bit >= v1.1.x fully supports x86_64, x86, arm32v7 and arm64v8.
Fluent Bit might optionally use a configuration file to define how the service will behave, and before proceeding we need to understand how the configuration schema works.
The schema is defined by three concepts:
Entries: Key/Value
Indented Configuration Mode
A simple example of a configuration file is as follows:
A section is defined by a name or title inside brackets. Looking at the example above, a Service section has been set using [SERVICE] definition. Section rules:
All section content must be indented (4 spaces ideally).
Multiple sections can exist on the same file.
A section is expected to have comments and entries, it cannot be empty.
Any commented line under a section, must be indented too.
A section may contain Entries, an entry is defined by a line of text that contains a Key and a Value, using the above example, the [SERVICE]
section contains two entries, one is the key Daemon with value off and the other is the key Log_Level with the value debug. Entries rules:
An entry is defined by a key and a value.
A key must be indented.
A key must contain a value which ends in the breakline.
Multiple keys with the same name can exist.
Also commented lines are set prefixing the # character, those lines are not processed but they must be indented too.
Fluent Bit configuration files are based in a strict Indented Mode, that means that each configuration file must follow the same pattern of alignment from left to right when writing text. By default an indentation level of four spaces from left to right is suggested. Example:
As you can see there are two sections with multiple entries and comments, note also that empty lines are allowed and they do not need to be indented.
Raspbian Buster (10)
Raspbian Stretch (9)
Raspbian Jessie (8)
The first step is to add our server GPG key to your keyring, on that way you can get our signed packages:
The GPG Key fingerprint of the new key is:
The GPG Key fingerprint of the old key is:
On Debian and derivative systems such as Raspbian, you need to add our APT server entry to your sources lists, please add the following content at bottom of your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
Now let your system update the apt database:
We recommend upgrading your system (sudo apt-get upgrade
). This could avoid potential issues with expired certificates.
Using the following apt-get command you are able now to install the latest td-agent-bit:
Now the following step is to instruct systemd to enable the service:
If you do a status check, you should see a similar output like this:
The default configuration of td-agent-bit is collecting metrics of CPU usage and sending the records to the standard output, you can see the outgoing data in your /var/log/syslog file.
, ,
x86_64, Arm64v8
x86_64, Arm64v8
x86_64, Arm64v8
x86_64, Arm64v8
x86_64, Arm64v8
x86_64, Arm64v8
x86_64, Arm64v8
x86_64, Arm64v8
x86_64, x86
x86_64, x86
From the 1.9.0 and 1.8.15 releases please note that the GPG key has been updated at so ensure this new one is added.
The previous key is still available at and may be required to install previous versions.
Refer to the to see which platforms are supported in each release.
is a lightweight and extensible Log Processor that comes with full support for Kubernetes:
Our Kubernetes Filter plugin is fully inspired by the written by .
must be deployed as a DaemonSet, so on that way it will be available on every node of your Kubernetes cluster. To get started run the following commands to create the namespace, service account and role setup:
The default configmap assumes that dockershim is utilized for the cluster. If a CRI runtime, such as containerd or CRI-O, is being utilized, the should be utilized. More specifically, change the Parser
described in input-kubernetes.conf
from docker to cri.
is a package manager for Kubernetes and allows you to quickly deploy application packages into your running cluster. Fluent Bit is distributed via a helm chart found in the Fluent Helm Charts repo: .
The default chart values include configuration to read container logs, with Docker parsing, systemd logs apply Kubernetes metadata enrichment and finally output to an Elasticsearch cluster. You can modify the values file included to specify additional outputs, health checks, monitoring endpoints, or other configuration options.
The will not append more than 5MB into the engine until they are flushed to the Elasticsearch backend. This limit aims to provide a workaround for scenarios.
The default backend in the configuration is Elasticsearch set by the . It uses the Logstash format to ingest the logs. If you need a different Index and Type, please refer to the plugin option and do your own adjustments.
Assuming the basic volume configuration described above, you can apply the following config to start logging. You can visualize this configuration
Windows pods often lack working DNS immediately after boot (). To mitigate this issue, filter_kubernetes
provides a built-in mechanism to wait until the network starts up:
source code provides Bitbake recipes to configure, build and package the software for a Yocto based image. Note that specific steps of usage of these recipes in your Yocto environment (Poky) is out of the scope of this documentation.
Fluent Bit is distributed as td-agent-bit package and is available for the Raspberry, specifically for distribution, the following versions are supported:
From the 1.9.0 and 1.8.15 releases please note that the GPG key has been updated at so ensure this new one is added.
The previous key is still available at and may be required to install previous versions.
Refer to the to see which platforms are supported in each release.
Build Fluent Bit from GIT master. This recipe aims to be used for development and testing purposes only.
Build latest stable version of Fluent Bit.
A full feature set to access content of your records
Fluent Bit works internally with structured records and it can be composed of an unlimited number of keys and values. Values can be anything like a number, string, array, or a map.
Having a way to select a specific part of the record is critical for certain core functionalities or plugins, this feature is called Record Accessor.
consider Record Accessor a simple grammar to specify record content and other miscellaneous values.
A record accessor rule starts with the character $
. Using the structured content above as an example the following table describes how to access a record:
The following table describe some accessing rules and the expected returned value:
"some message"
If the accessor key does not exist in the record like the last example $labels['undefined']
, the operation is simply omitted, no exception will occur.
The feature is enabled on a per plugin basis, not all plugins enable this feature. As an example consider a configuration that aims to filter records using grep that only matches where labels have a color blue:
The file content to process in test.log
is the following:
Running Fluent Bit with the configuration above the output will be:
In an ideal world, applications might log their messages within a single line, but in reality applications generate multiple log messages that sometimes belong to the same context. But when is time to process such information it gets really complex. Consider application stack traces which always have multiple log lines.
Starting from Fluent Bit v1.8, we have implemented a unified Multiline core functionality to solve all the user corner cases. In this section, you will learn about the features and configuration options available.
The Multiline parser engine exposes two ways to configure and use the functionality:
Built-in multiline parser
Configurable multiline parser
Without any extra configuration, Fluent Bit exposes certain pre-configured parsers (built-in) to solve specific multiline parser cases, e.g:
Process a log entry generated by a Docker container engine. This parser supports the concatenation of log entries split by Docker.
Process a log entry generated by CRI-O container engine. Same as the docker parser, it supports concatenation of log entries
Process log entries generated by a Go based language application and perform concatenation if multiline messages are detected.
Process log entries generated by a Python based language application and perform concatenation if multiline messages are detected.
Process log entries generated by a Google Cloud Java language application and perform concatenation if multiline messages are detected.
Besides the built-in parsers listed above, through the configuration files is possible to define your own Multiline parsers with their own rules.
A multiline parser is defined in a parsers configuration file by using a [MULTILINE_PARSER]
section definition. The Multiline parser must have a unique name and a type plus other configured properties associated with each type.
To understand which Multiline parser type is required for your use case you have to know beforehand what are the conditions in the content that determines the beginning of a multiline message and the continuation of subsequent lines. We provide a regex based configuration that supports states to handle from the most simple to difficult cases.
Specify a unique name for the Multiline Parser definition. A good practice is to prefix the name with the word multiline_
to avoid confusion with normal parser's definitions.
Set the multiline mode, for now, we support the type regex
Name of a pre-defined parser that must be applied to the incoming content before applying the regex rule. If no parser is defined, it's assumed that's a raw text and not a structured message.
Note: when a parser is applied to a raw text, then the regex is applied against a specific key of the structured message by using the key_content
configuration property (see below).
For an incoming structured message, specify the key that contains the data that should be processed by the regular expression and possibly concatenated.
Timeout in milliseconds to flush a non-terminated multiline buffer. Default is set to 5 seconds.
Configure a rule to match a multiline pattern. The rule has a specific format described below. Multiple rules can be defined.
Before start configuring your parser you need to know the answer to the following questions:
What is the regular expression (regex) that matches the first line of a multiline message ?
What are the regular expressions (regex) that match the continuation lines of a multiline message ?
When matching regex, we have to define states, some states define the start of a multiline message while others are states for the continuation of multiline messages. You can have multiple continuation states definitions to solve complex cases.
The first regex that matches the start of a multiline message is called start_state, then other regexes continuation lines can have different state names.
A rule specifies how to match a multiline pattern and perform the concatenation. A rule is defined by 3 specific components:
state name
regular expression pattern
next state
A rule might be defined as follows (comments added to simplify the definition) :
In the example above, we have defined two rules, each one has its own state name, regex paterns, and the next state name. Every field that composes a rule must be inside double quotes.
The first rule of state name must always be start_state, and the regex pattern must match the first line of a multiline message, also a next state must be set to specify how the possible continuation lines would look like.
To simplify the configuration of regular expressions, you can use the Rubular web site. We have posted an example by using the regex described above plus a log line that matches the pattern: https://rubular.com/r/NDuyKwlTGOvq2g
The following example provides a full Fluent Bit configuration file for multiline parsing by using the definition explained above.
The following example files can be located at: https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/tree/master/documentation/examples/multiline/regex-001
Example files content:
This is the primary Fluent Bit configuration file. It includes the parsers_multiline.conf
and tails the file test.log
by applying the multiline parser multiline-regex-test
. Then it sends the processing to the standard output.
This second file defines a multiline parser for the example.
An example file with multiline content:
By running Fluent Bit with the given configuration file you will obtain:
The lines that did not match a pattern are not considered as part of the multiline message, while the ones that matched the rules were concatenated properly.
This page describes the main configuration file used by Fluent Bit
One of the ways to configure Fluent Bit is using a main configuration file. Fluent Bit allows to use one configuration file which works at a global scope and uses the Format and Schema defined previously.
The main configuration file supports four types of sections:
In addition, it's also possible to split the main configuration file in multiple files using the feature to include external files:
Include File
The Service section defines global properties of the service, the keys available as of this version are described in the following table:
Set the flush time in seconds.nanoseconds
. The engine loop uses a Flush timeout to define when is required to flush the records ingested by input plugins through the defined output plugins.
Set the grace time in seconds
as Integer value. The engine loop uses a Grace timeout to define wait time on exit
Boolean value to set if Fluent Bit should run as a Daemon (background) or not. Allowed values are: yes, no, on and off. note: If you are using a Systemd based unit as the one we provide in our packages, do not turn on this option.
Set the primary transport layer protocol used by the asynchronous DNS resolver which can be overriden on a per plugin basis
Absolute path for an optional log file. By default all logs are redirected to the standard error interface (stderr).
Set the logging verbosity level. Allowed values are: off, error, warn, info, debug and trace. Values are accumulative, e.g: if 'debug' is set, it will include error, warning, info and debug. Note that trace mode is only available if Fluent Bit was built with the WITH_TRACE option enabled.
Path for a parsers
configuration file. Multiple Parsers_File entries can be defined within the section.
Enable built-in HTTP Server
Set listening interface for HTTP Server when it's enabled
Set TCP Port for the HTTP Server
Set the coroutines stack size in bytes. The value must be greater than the page size of the running system. Don't set too small value (say 4096), or coroutine threads can overrun the stack buffer. Do not change the default value of this parameter unless you know what you are doing.
Set a maximum retry time in second. The property is supported from v1.8.7.
Set a base of exponential backoff. The property is supported from v1.8.7.
The following is an example of a SERVICE section:
An INPUT section defines a source (related to an input plugin), here we will describe the base configuration for each INPUT section. Note that each input plugin may add it own configuration keys:
Name of the input plugin.
Tag name associated to all records coming from this plugin.
The Name is mandatory and it let Fluent Bit know which input plugin should be loaded. The Tag is mandatory for all plugins except for the input forward plugin (as it provides dynamic tags).
The following is an example of an INPUT section:
A FILTER section defines a filter (related to an filter plugin), here we will describe the base configuration for each FILTER section. Note that each filter plugin may add it own configuration keys:
Name of the filter plugin.
A pattern to match against the tags of incoming records. It's case sensitive and support the star (*) character as a wildcard.
A regular expression to match against the tags of incoming records. Use this option if you want to use the full regex syntax.
The Name is mandatory and it let Fluent Bit know which filter plugin should be loaded. The Match or Match_Regex is mandatory for all plugins. If both are specified, Match_Regex takes precedence.
The following is an example of an FILTER section:
The OUTPUT section specify a destination that certain records should follow after a Tag match. The configuration support the following keys:
Name of the output plugin.
A pattern to match against the tags of incoming records. It's case sensitive and support the star (*) character as a wildcard.
A regular expression to match against the tags of incoming records. Use this option if you want to use the full regex syntax.
The following is an example of an OUTPUT section:
The following configuration file example demonstrates how to collect CPU metrics and flush the results every five seconds to the standard output:
You can also visualize Fluent Bit INPUT, FILTER, and OUTPUT configuration via https://cloud.calyptia.com
To avoid complicated long configuration files is better to split specific parts in different files and call them (include) from one main file.
Starting from Fluent Bit 0.12 the new configuration command @INCLUDE has been added and can be used in the following way:
The configuration reader will try to open the path somefile.conf, if not found, it will assume it's a relative path based on the path of the base configuration file, e.g:
Main configuration file path: /tmp/main.conf
Included file: somefile.conf
Fluent Bit will try to open somefile.conf, if it fails it will try /tmp/somefile.conf.
The @INCLUDE command only works at top-left level of the configuration line, it cannot be used inside sections.
Wildcard character (*) is supported to include multiple files, e.g:
Fluent Bit supports the usage of environment variables in any value associated to a key when using a configuration file.
The variables are case sensitive and can be used in the following format:
When Fluent Bit starts, the configuration reader will detect any request for ${MY_VARIABLE}
and will try to resolve its value.
Create the following configuration file (fluent-bit.conf
Open a terminal and set the environment variable:
The above command set the 'stdout' value to the variable
Run Fluent Bit with the recently created configuration file:
As you can see the service worked properly as the configuration was valid.
By default when Fluent Bit process data, it uses Memory as a primary and temporary place to store the records, but there are certain scenarios where would be ideal to have a persistent buffering mechanism based in the filesystem to provide aggregation and data safety capabilities.
Choosing the right configuration is critical and the behavior of the service can be conditioned based in the backpressure settings. Before to jump into the configuration properties let's understand the relationship between Chunks, Memory, Filesystem and Backpressure.
Understanding the chunks, buffering and backpressure concepts is critical for a proper configuration. Let's do a recap of the meaning of these concepts.
When an input plugin (source) emit records, the engine group the records together in a Chunk. A Chunk size usually is around 2MB. By configuration, the engine decide where to place this Chunk, the default is that all chunks are created only in memory.
As mentioned above, the Chunks generated by the engine are placed in memory but this is configurable.
If memory is the only mechanism set for the input plugin, it will just store data as much as it can there (memory). This is the fastest mechanism with less system overhead, but if the service is not able to deliver the records fast enough because of a slow network or an unresponsive remote service, Fluent Bit memory usage will increase since it will accumulate more data than it can deliver.
On a high load environment with backpressure the risks of having high memory usage is the chance to get killed by the Kernel (OOM Killer). A workaround for this backpressure scenario is to limit the amount of memory in records that an input plugin can register, this configuration property is called mem_buf_limit
: if a plugin have enqueued more than mem_buf_limit
, it won't be able to ingest more until it data can be delivered or flushed properly. On this scenario the input plugin in question is paused.
The workaround of mem_buf_limit
is good for certain scenarios and environments, it helps to control the memory usage of the service, but at the costs that if a file gets rotated while paused, you might lose that data since it won't be able to register new records. This can happen with any input source plugin. The goal of mem_buf_limit
is memory control and survival of the service.
For full data safety guarantee, use filesystem buffering.
Filesystem buffering enabled helps with backpressure and overall memory control.
Behind the scenes, Memory and Filesystem buffering mechanisms are not mutual exclusive, indeed when enabling filesystem buffering for your input plugin (source) you are getting the best of the two worlds: performance and data safety.
How this Filesystem buffering mechanism deals with high memory usage and backpressure ?: Fluent Bit controls the number of Chunks that are up
in memory.
By default, the engine allows to have 128 Chunks up
in memory in total (considering all Chunks), this value is controlled by service property storage.max_chunks_up
. The active Chunks that are up
are ready for delivery and the ones that still are receiving records. Any other remaining Chunk is in a down
state, which means that's only in the filesystem and won't be up
in memory unless is ready to be delivered.
If the input plugin has enabled mem_buf_limit
and storage.type
as filesystem
, when reaching the mem_buf_limit
threshold, instead of the plugin being paused, all new data will go to Chunks that are down
in the filesystem. This allows to control the memory usage by the service but also providing a a guarantee that the service won't lose any data.
Limiting Filesystem space for Chunks
Fluent Bit implements the concept of logical queues: a Chunk based on its Tag, can be routed to multiple destinations, so internally we keep a reference from where a Chunk was created and where it needs to go.
It's common to find cases that if we have multiple destinations for a Chunk, one of the destination might be slower than the other, and maybe one of the destinations is generating backpressure and not all of them. On this scenario how do we limit the amount of filesystem Chunks that we are logically queueing ?.
Starting from Fluent Bit v1.6, we introduced the new configuration property for output plugins called storage.total_limit_size
which limits the number of Chunks that exists in the file system for a certain logical output destination. If one destinations reaches the storage.total_limit_size
limit, the oldest Chunk from it queue for that logical output destination will be discarded.
The storage layer configuration takes place in three areas:
Service Section
Input Section
Output Section
The known Service section configure a global environment for the storage layer, the Input sections defines which buffering mechanism to use and the output the limits for the logical queues.
a Service section will look like this:
that configuration configure an optional buffering mechanism where it root for data is /var/log/flb-storage/, it will use normal synchronization mode, without checksum and up to a maximum of 5MB of memory when processing backlog data.
Optionally, any Input plugin can configure their storage preference, the following table describe the options available:
The following example configure a service that offers filesystem buffering capabilities and two Input plugins being the first based in filesystem and the second with memory only.
If certain chunks are filesystem storage.type based, it's possible to control the size of the logical queue for an output plugin. The following table describe the options available:
The following example create records with CPU usage samples in the filesystem and then they are delivered to Google Stackdriver service limiting the logical queue (buffering) to 5M:
If for some reason Fluent Bit gets offline because of a network issue, it will continuing buffering CPU samples but just keeping a maximum of 5M of the newest data.
Fluent Bit provides integrated support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) and it predecessor Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) respectively. In this section we will refer as TLS only for both implementations.
Each output plugin that requires to perform Network I/O can optionally enable TLS and configure the behavior. The following table describes the properties available:
The listed properties can be enabled in the configuration file, specifically on each output plugin section or directly through the command line.
The following output plugins can take advantage of the TLS feature:
In addition, other plugins implements a sub-set of TLS support, meaning, with restricted configuration:
By default HTTP output plugin uses plain TCP, enabling TLS from the command line can be done with:
In the command line above, the two properties tls and tls.verify where enabled for demonstration purposes (we strongly suggest always keep verification ON).
The same behavior can be accomplished using a configuration file:
There are a few key concepts that are really important to understand how Fluent Bit operates.
Event or Record
Structured Message
Every incoming piece of data that belongs to a log or a metric that is retrieved by Fluent Bit is considered an Event or a Record.
As an example consider the following content of a Syslog file:
It contains four lines and all of them represents four independent Events.
Internally, an Event always has two components (in an array form):
In some cases it is required to perform modifications on the Events content, the process to alter, enrich or drop Events is called Filtering.
There are many use cases when Filtering is required like:
Append specific information to the Event like an IP address or metadata.
Select a specific piece of the Event content.
Drop Events that matches certain pattern.
Every Event that gets into Fluent Bit gets assigned a Tag. This tag is an internal string that is used in a later stage by the Router to decide which Filter or Output phase it must go through.
Most of the tags are assigned manually in the configuration. If a tag is not specified, Fluent Bit will assign the name of the Input plugin instance from where that Event was generated from.
The Timestamp represents the time when an Event was created. Every Event contains a Timestamp associated. The Timestamp is a numeric fractional integer in the format:
It is the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch.
Fractional second or one thousand-millionth of a second.
A timestamp always exists, either set by the Input plugin or discovered through a data parsing process.
Fluent Bit allows to deliver your collected and processed Events to one or multiple destinations, this is done through a routing phase. A Match represent a simple rule to select Events where it Tags matches a defined rule.
Source events can have or not have a structure. A structure defines a set of keys and values inside the Event message. As an example consider the following two messages:
At a low level both are just an array of bytes, but the Structured message defines keys and values, having a structure helps to implement faster operations on data modifications.
Path for a plugins
configuration file. A plugins configuration file allows to define paths for external plugins, for an example .
Path for the Stream Processor configuration file. To learn more about Stream Processing configuration go .
The end-goal of is to collect, parse, filter and ship logs to a central place. In this workflow there are many phases and one of the critical pieces is the ability to do buffering : a mechanism to place processed data into a temporary location until is ready to be shipped.
When the Filesystem buffering is enabled, the behavior of the engine is different, upon Chunk creation, it stores the content in memory but also it maps a copy on disk (through ), this Chunk is active in memory and backed up in disk is called to be up
which means "the chunk content is up in memory".
The Service section refers to the section defined in the main :
Fluent Bit supports . If you are serving multiple hostnames on a single IP address (a.k.a. virtual hosting), you can make use of tls.vhost
to connect to a specific hostname.
Before diving into it’s good to get acquainted with some of the key concepts of the service. This document provides a gentle introduction to those concepts and common terminology. We’ve provided a list below of all the terms we’ll cover, but we recommend reading this document from start to finish to gain a more general understanding of our log and stream processor.
The only input plugin that does NOT assign tags is input. This plugin speaks the Fluentd wire protocol called Forward where every Event already comes with a Tag associated. Fluent Bit will always use the incoming Tag set by the client.
A Tagged record must always have a Matching rule. To learn more about Tags and Matches check the section.
To learn more about Tags and Matches check the section.
Fluent Bit always handles every Event message as a structured message. For performance reasons, we use a binary serialization data format called .
Consider as a binary version of JSON on steroids.
Set an optional location in the file system to store streams and chunks of data. If this parameter is not set, Input plugins can only use in-memory buffering.
Configure the synchronization mode used to store the data into the file system. It can take the values normal or full.
Enable the data integrity check when writing and reading data from the filesystem. The storage layer uses the CRC32 algorithm.
If the input plugin has enabled filesystem
storage type, this property sets the maximum number of Chunks that can be up
in memory. This helps to control memory usage.
If storage.path is set, Fluent Bit will look for data chunks that were not delivered and are still in the storage layer, these are called backlog data. This option configure a hint of maximum value of memory to use when processing these records.
If http_server
option has been enable in the main [SERVICE]
section, this option registers a new endpoint where internal metrics of the storage layer can be consumed. For more details refer to the Monitoring section.
Specify the buffering mechanism to use. It can be memory or filesystem.
Specify if file storage is to be paused when reaching the chunk limit.
Limit the maximum number of Chunks in the filesystem for the current output logical destination.
enable or disable TLS support
force certificate validation
Set TLS debug verbosity level. It accept the following values: 0 (No debug), 1 (Error), 2 (State change), 3 (Informational) and 4 Verbose
absolute path to CA certificate file
absolute path to scan for certificate files
absolute path to Certificate file
absolute path to private Key file
optional password for tls.key_file file
hostname to be used for TLS SNI extension
In certain environments is common to see that logs or data being ingested is faster than the ability to flush it to some destinations. The common case is reading from big log files and dispatching the logs to a backend over the network which takes some time to respond, this generate backpressure leading to a high memory consumption in the service.
In order to avoid backpressure, Fluent Bit implements a mechanism in the engine that restrict the amount of data than an input plugin can ingest, this is done through the configuration parameter Mem_Buf_Limit.
As described in the Buffering concepts section, Fluent Bit offers an hybrid mode for data handling: in-memory and filesystem (optional).
In memory
is always available and can be restricted with Mem_Buf_Limit. If your plugin gets restricted because of the configuration and you are under a backpressure scenario, you won't be able to ingest more data until the data chunks that are in memory can flushed.
Depending of the input plugin type in use, this might lead to discard incoming data (e.g: TCP input plugin), but you can rely on the secondary filesystem buffering to be safe.
If in addition to Mem_Buf_Limit the input plugin defined a storage.type
of filesystem
(as described in Buffering & Storage), when the limit is reached, all the new data will be stored safety in the file system.
This option is disabled by default and can be applied to all input plugins. Let's explain it behavior using the following scenario:
Mem_Buf_Limit is set to 1MB (one megabyte)
input plugin tries to append 700KB
engine route the data to an output plugin
output plugin backend (HTTP Server) is down
engine scheduler will retry the flush after 10 seconds
input plugin tries to append 500KB
At this exact point, the engine will allow to append those 500KB of data into the engine: in total we have 1.2MB. The options works in a permissive mode before to reach the limit, but the limit is exceeded the following actions are taken:
block local buffers for the input plugin (cannot append more data)
notify the input plugin invoking a pause callback
The engine will protect it self and will not append more data coming from the input plugin in question; Note that is the plugin responsibility to keep their state and take some decisions about what to do on that paused state.
After some seconds if the scheduler was able to flush the initial 700KB of data or it gave up after retrying, that amount memory is released and internally the following actions happens:
Upon data buffer release (700KB), the internal counters get updated
Counters now are set at 500KB
Since 500KB is < 1MB it checks the input plugin state
If the plugin is paused, it invokes a resume callback
input plugin can continue appending more data
Each plugin is independent and not all of them implements the pause and resume callbacks. As said, these callbacks are just a notification mechanism for the plugin.
The plugin who implements and keep a good state is the Tail Input plugin. When the pause callback is triggered, it stop their collectors and stop appending data. Upon resume, it re-enable the collectors.
It's common that Fluent Bit output plugins aims to connect to external services to deliver the logs over the network, this is the case of HTTP, Elasticsearch and Forward within others. Being able to connect to one node (host) is normal and enough for more of the use cases, but there are other scenarios where balancing across different nodes is required. The Upstream feature provides such capability.
An Upstream defines a set of nodes that will be targeted by an output plugin, by the nature of the implementation an output plugin must support the Upstream feature. The following plugin(s) have Upstream support:
The current balancing mode implemented is round-robin.
To define an Upstream it's required to create an specific configuration file that contains an UPSTREAM and one or multiple NODE sections. The following table describe the properties associated to each section. Note that all of them are mandatory:
Defines a name for the Upstream in question.
Defines a name for the Node in question.
IP address or hostname of the target host.
TCP port of the target service.
A Node might contain additional configuration keys required by the plugin, on that way we provide enough flexibility for the output plugin, a common use case is Forward output where if TLS is enabled, it requires a shared key (more details in the example below).
In addition to the properties defined in the table above, the network operations against a defined node can optionally be done through the use of TLS for further encryption and certificates use.
The TLS options available are described in the TLS/SSL section and can be added to the any Node section.
The following example defines an Upstream called forward-balancing which aims to be used by Forward output plugin, it register three Nodes:
node-1: connects to
node-2: connects to
node-3: connects to using TLS without verification. It also defines a specific configuration option required by Forward output called shared_key.
Note that every Upstream definition must exists on it own configuration file in the file system. Adding multiple Upstreams in the same file or different files is not allowed.
Certain configuration directives in Fluent Bit refer to unit sizes such as when defining the size of a buffer or specific limits, we can find these in plugins like Tail Input, Forward Input or in generic properties like Mem_Buf_Limit.
Starting from Fluent Bit v0.11.10, all unit sizes have been standardized across the core and plugins, the following table describes the options that can be used and what they mean:
When a suffix is not specified, it's assumed that the value given is a bytes representation.
Specifying a value of 32000, means 32000 bytes
k, K, KB, kb
Kilobyte: a unit of memory equal to 1,000 bytes.
32k means 32000 bytes.
m, M, MB, mb
Megabyte: a unit of memory equal to 1,000,000 bytes
1M means 1000000 bytes
g, G, GB, gb
Gigabyte: a unit of memory equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes
1G means 1000000000 bytes
The following article cover the relevant notes for users upgrading from previous Fluent Bit versions. We aim to cover compatibility changes that you must be aware of.
For more details about changes on each release please refer to the Official Release Notes.
If you are migrating from previous version of Fluent Bit please review the following important changes:
Now by default the plugin follows a file from the end once the service starts (old behavior was always read from the beginning). For every file found at start, its followed from it last position, for new files discovered at runtime or rotated, they are read from the beginning.
If you desire to keep the old behavior you can set the option read_from_head
to true.
The project_id of resource in LogEntry sent to Google Cloud Logging would be set to the project ID rather than the project number. To learn the difference between Project ID and project number, see this for more details.
If you have any existing queries based on the resource's project_id, please update your query accordingly.
The migration from v1.4 to v1.5 is pretty straightforward.
If you enabled keepalive
mode in your configuration, note that this configuration property has been renamed to net.keepalive
. Now all Network I/O keepalive is enabled by default, to learn more about this and other associated configuration properties read the Networking Administration section.
If you use the Elasticsearch output plugin, note the default value of type
changed from flb_type
to _doc
. Many versions of Elasticsearch will tolerate this, but ES v5.6 through v6.1 require a type without a leading underscore. See the Elasticsearch output plugin documentation FAQ entry for more.
If you are migrating from Fluent Bit v1.3, there are no breaking changes. Just new exciting features to enjoy :)
If you are migrating from Fluent Bit v1.2 to v1.3, there are no breaking changes. If you are upgrading from an older version please review the incremental changes below.
On Fluent Bit v1.2 we have fixed many issues associated with JSON encoding and decoding, for hence when parsing Docker logs is no longer necessary to use decoders. The new Docker parser looks like this:
Note: again, do not use decoders.
We have done improvements also on how Kubernetes Filter handle the stringified log message. If the option Merge_Log is enabled, it will try to handle the log content as a JSON map, if so, it will add the keys to the root map.
In addition, we have fixed and improved the option called Merge_Log_Key. If a merge log succeed, all new keys will be packaged under the key specified by this option, a suggested configuration is as follows:
As an example, if the original log content is the following map:
the final record will be composed as follows:
If you are upgrading from Fluent Bit <= 1.0.x you should take in consideration the following relevant changes when switching to Fluent Bit v1.1 series:
We introduced a new configuration property called Kube_Tag_Prefix to help Tag prefix resolution and address an unexpected behavior that landed in previous versions.
During 1.0.x release cycle, a commit in Tail input plugin changed the default behavior on how the Tag was composed when using the wildcard for expansion generating breaking compatibility with other services. Consider the following configuration example:
The expected behavior is that Tag will be expanded to:
but the change introduced in 1.0 series switched from absolute path to the base file name only:
On Fluent Bit v1.1 release we restored to our default behavior and now the Tag is composed using the absolute path of the monitored file.
Having absolute path in the Tag is relevant for routing and flexible configuration where it also helps to keep compatibility with Fluentd behavior.
This behavior switch in Tail input plugin affects how Filter Kubernetes operates. As you know when the filter is used it needs to perform local metadata lookup that comes from the file names when using Tail as a source. Now with the new Kube_Tag_Prefix option you can specify what's the prefix used in Tail input plugin, for the configuration example above the new configuration will look as follows:
So the proper for Kube_Tag_Prefix value must be composed by Tag prefix set in Tail input plugin plus the converted monitored directory replacing slashes with dots.
Fluent Bit implements a unified networking interface that is exposed to components like plugins. This interface abstract all the complexity of general I/O and is fully configurable.
A common use case is when a component or plugin needs to connect to a service to send and receive data. Despite the operational mode sounds easy to deal with, there are many factors that can make things hard like unresponsive services, networking latency or any kind of connectivity error. The networking interface aims to abstract and simplify the network I/O handling, minimize risks and optimize performance.
Most of the time creating a new TCP connection to a remote server is straightforward and takes a few milliseconds. But there are cases where DNS resolving, slow network or incomplete TLS handshakes might create long delays, or incomplete connection statuses.
The net.connect_timeout
allows to configure the maximum time to wait for a connection to be established, note that this value already considers the TLS handshake process.
The net.connect_timeout_log_error
indicates if an error should be logged in case of connect timeout. If disabled, the timeout is logged as debug level message instead.
On environments with multiple network interfaces, might be desired to choose which interface to use for our data that will flow through the network.
The net.source_address
allows to specify which network address must be used for a TCP connection and data flow.
TCP is a connected oriented channel, to deliver and receive data from a remote end-point in most of cases we use a TCP connection. This TCP connection can be created and destroyed once is not longer needed, this approach has pros and cons, here we will refer to the opposite case: keep the connection open.
The concept of Connection Keepalive
refers to the ability of the client (Fluent Bit on this case) to keep the TCP connection open in a persistent way, that means that once the connection is created and used, instead of close it, it can be recycled. This feature offers many benefits in terms of performance since communication channels are always established before hand.
Any component that uses TCP channels like HTTP or TLS, can take advantage of this feature. For configuration purposes use the net.keepalive
If a connection is keepalive enabled, there might be scenarios where the connection can be unused for long periods of time. Having an idle keepalive connection is not helpful and is recommendable to keep them alive if they are used.
In order to control how long a keepalive connection can be idle, we expose the configuration property called net.keepalive_idle_timeout
If a transport layer protocol is specified, the plugin whose configuration section the net.dns.mode
setting is specified on overrides the global dns.mode
value and issues DNS requests using the specified protocol which can be either TCP or UDP
For plugins that rely on networking I/O, the following section describes the network configuration properties available and how they can be used to optimize performance or adjust to different configuration needs:
Set maximum time expressed in seconds to wait for a TCP connection to be established, this include the TLS handshake time.
On connection timeout, specify if it should log an error. When disabled, the timeout is logged as a debug message
Specify network address (interface) to use for connection and data traffic.
Enable or disable connection keepalive support. Accepts a boolean value: on / off.
Set maximum time expressed in seconds for an idle keepalive connection.
Set the maximum number of times a keepalive connection can be used before it is destroyed.
Set the primary transport layer protocol used by the asynchronous DNS resolver for connections established in the plugin where this configuration value is used
As an example, we will send 5 random messages through a TCP output connection, in the remote side we will use nc
(netcat) utility to see the data.
Put the following configuration snippet in a file called fluent-bit.conf
In another terminal, start nc
and make it listen for messages on TCP port 9090:
Now start Fluent Bit with the configuration file written above and you will see the data flowing to netcat:
If the net.keepalive
option is not enabled, Fluent Bit will close the TCP connection and netcat will quit, here we can see how the keepalive connection works.
After the 5 records arrive, the connection will keep idle and after 10 seconds it will be closed due to net.keepalive_idle_timeout
When the service is running we can export metrics to see the overall status of the data flow of the service. But there are other use cases where we would like to know the current status of the internals of the service, specifically to answer questions like what's the current status of the internal buffers ? , the Dump Internals feature is the answer.
Fluent Bit v1.4 introduces the Dump Internals feature that can be triggered easily from the command line triggering the CONT
Unix signal.
note: this feature is only available on Linux and BSD family operating systems
Run the following kill
command to signal Fluent Bit:
The command
aims to lookup the Process ID of Fluent Bit. You can replace the
Fluent Bit will dump the following information to the standard output interface (stdout):
The dump provides insights for every input instance configured.
Overall ingestion status of the plugin.
Current memory size in use by the input plugin in-memory.
Limit set by Mem_Buf_Limit.
When an input plugin ingest data into the engine, a Chunk is created. A Chunk can contains multiple records. Upon flush time, the engine creates a Task that contains the routes for the Chunk associated in question.
The Task dump describes the tasks associated to the input plugin:
Total number of active tasks associated to data generated by the input plugin.
Number of tasks not assigned yet to an output plugin. Tasks are in new
status for a very short period of time (most of the time this value is very low or zero).
Number of active tasks being processed by output plugins.
Amount of memory used by the Chunks being processed (Total chunks size).
The Chunks dump tells more details about all the chunks that the input plugin has generated and are still being processed.
Depending of the buffering strategy and limits imposed by configuration, some Chunks might be up
(in memory) or down
Total number of Chunks generated by the input plugin that are still being processed by the engine.
Total number of Chunks that are loaded in memory.
Total number of Chunks that are stored in the filesystem but not loaded in memory yet.
Chunks marked as busy (being flushed) or locked. Busy Chunks are immutable and likely are ready to (or being) processed.
Amount of bytes used by the Chunk.
size err
Number of Chunks in an error state where it size could not be retrieved.
Fluent Bit relies on a custom storage layer interface designed for hybrid buffering. The Storage Layer
entry contains a total summary of Chunks registered by Fluent Bit:
total chunks
Total number of Chunks
mem chunks
Total number of Chunks memory-based
fs chunks
Total number of Chunks filesystem based
Total number of filesystem chunks up in memory
Total number of filesystem chunks down (not loaded in memory)
Learn how to monitor your Fluent Bit data pipelines
Fluent Bit comes with built-it features to allow you to monitor the internals of your pipeline, connect to Prometheus and Grafana, Health checks and also connectors to use external services for such purposes:
Fluent Bit comes with a built-in HTTP Server that can be used to query internal information and monitor metrics of each running plugin.
The monitoring interface can be easily integrated with Prometheus since we support it native format.
To get started, the first step is to enable the HTTP Server from the configuration file:
the above configuration snippet will instruct Fluent Bit to start it HTTP Server on TCP Port 2020 and listening on all network interfaces:
now with a simple curl command is enough to gather some information:
Note that we are sending the curl command output to the jq program which helps to make the JSON data easy to read from the terminal. Fluent Bit don't aim to do JSON pretty-printing.
Fluent Bit aims to expose useful interfaces for monitoring, as of Fluent Bit v0.14 the following end points are available:
Fluent Bit build information
Get uptime information in seconds and human readable format
Internal metrics per loaded plugin
Internal metrics per loaded plugin ready to be consumed by a Prometheus Server
Prometheus Text 0.0.4
Get internal metrics of the storage layer / buffered data. This option is enabled only if in the SERVICE
section the property storage.metrics
has been enabled
Fluent Bit health check result
Query the service uptime with the following command:
it should print a similar output like this:
Query internal metrics in JSON format with the following command:
it should print a similar output like this:
Query internal metrics in Prometheus Text 0.0.4 format:
this time the same metrics will be in Prometheus format instead of JSON:
By default configured plugins on runtime get an internal name in the format plugin_name.ID. For monitoring purposes, this can be confusing if many plugins of the same type were configured. To make a distinction each configured input or output section can get an alias that will be used as the parent name for the metric.
The following example set an alias to the INPUT section which is using the CPU input plugin:
Now when querying the metrics we get the aliases in place instead of the plugin name:
Fluent Bit's exposed prometheus style metrics can be leveraged to create dashboards and alerts.
The provided example dashboard is heavily inspired by Banzai Cloud's logging operator dashboard but with a few key differences such as the use of the instance
label (see why here), stacked graphs and a focus on Fluent Bit metrics.
Sample alerts are available here.
Fluent bit now supports four new configs to set up the health check.
enable Health check feature
the error count to meet the unhealthy requirement, this is a sum for all output plugins in a defined HC_Period, example for output error: [2022/02/16 10:44:10] [ warn] [engine] failed to flush chunk '1-1645008245.491540684.flb', retry in 7 seconds: task_id=0, input=forward.1 > output=cloudwatch_logs.3 (out_id=3)
the retry failure count to meet the unhealthy requirement, this is a sum for all output plugins in a defined HC_Period, example for retry failure: [2022/02/16 20:11:36] [ warn] [engine] chunk '1-1645042288.260516436.flb' cannot be retried: task_id=0, input=tcp.3 > output=cloudwatch_logs.1
The time period by second to count the error and retry failure data point
Note: Not every error log means an error nor be counted, the errors retry failures count only on specific errors which is the example in config table description
So the feature works as: Based on the HC_Period customer setup, if the real error number is over HC_Errors_Count
or retry failure is over HC_Retry_Failure_Count
, fluent bit will be considered as unhealthy. The health endpoint will return HTTP status 500 and String error
. Otherwise it's healthy, will return HTTP status 200 and string ok
The equation is:
Note: the HC_Errors_Count and HC_Retry_Failure_Count only count for output plugins and count a sum for errors and retry failures from all output plugins which is running.
See the config example:
The command to call health endpoint
Based on the fluent bit status, the result will be:
HTTP status 200 and "ok" in response to healthy status
HTTP status 500 and "error" in response for unhealthy status
With the example config, the health status is determined by following equation:
If (HC_Errors_Count > 5) OR (HC_Retry_Failure_Count > 5) IN 5 seconds is TRUE, then it's unhealthy.
If (HC_Errors_Count > 5) OR (HC_Retry_Failure_Count > 5) IN 5 seconds is FALSE, then it's healthy.
Calyptia Cloud is a hosted service that allows you to monitor your Fluent Bit agents including data flow, metrics and configurations.
Register your Fluent Bit agent will take less than one minute, steps:
Go to cloud.calyptia.com and sign-in
On the left menu click on Settings and generate/copy your API key
In your Fluent Bit configuration file, append the following configuration section:
Make sure to replace your API key in the configuration. After a few seconds upon restart your Fluent Bit agent, the Calyptia Cloud Dashboard will list your agent. Metrics will take around 30 seconds to shows up.
If want to get in touch with Calyptia team, just send an email to hello@calyptia.com
Fluent Bit is a powerful log processing tool that can deal with different sources and formats, in addition it provides several filters that can be used to perform custom modifications. This flexibility is really good but while your pipeline grows, it's strongly recommended to validate your data and structure.
We encourage Fluent Bit users to integrate data validation in their CI systems
A simplified view of our data processing pipeline is as follows:
In a normal production environment, many Inputs, Filters, and Outputs are defined in the configuration, so integrating a continuous validation of your configuration against expected results is a must. For this requirement, Fluent Bit provides a specific Filter called Expect which can be used to validate expected Keys and Values from your records and takes some action when an exception is found.
As an example, consider the following pipeline where your source of data is a normal file with JSON content on it and then two filters: grep to exclude certain records and record_modifier to alter the record content adding and removing specific keys.
Ideally you want to add checkpoints of validation of your data between each step so you can know if your data structure is correct, we do this by using expect filter.
Expect filter sets rules that aims to validate certain criteria like:
does the record contain a key A ?
does the record not contains key A?
does the record key A value equals NULL ?
does the record key A value a different value than NULL ?
does the record key A value equals B ?
Every expect filter configuration can expose specific rules to validate the content of your records, it supports the following configuration properties:
Check if a key with a given name exists in the record.
Check if a key does not exist in the record.
check that the value of the key is NULL.
check that the value of the key is NOT NULL.
check that the value of the key equals the given value in the configuration.
action to take when a rule does not match. The available options are warn
or exit
. On warn
, a warning message is sent to the logging layer when a mismatch of the rules above is found; using exit
makes Fluent Bit abort with status code 255
Consider the following JSON file called data.log
with the following content:
The following Fluent Bit configuration file will configure a pipeline to consume the log above apply an expect filter to validate that keys color
and label
note that if for some reason the JSON parser failed or is missing in the tail
input (line 9), the expect
filter will trigger the exit
action. As a test, go ahead and comment out or remove line 9.
As a second step, we will extend our pipeline and we will add a grep filter to match records that map label
contains a key called name
with value abc
, then an expect filter to re-validate that condition:
When deploying your configuration in production, you might want to remove the expect filters from your configuration since it's an unnecessary extra work unless you want to have a 100% coverage of checks at runtime.
Static configuration mode aims to include a built-in configuration in the final binary of Fluent Bit, disabling the usage of external files or flags at runtime.
the configuration provided above will calculate CPU metrics from the running system and print them to the standard output interface.
Inside Fluent Bit source code, get into the build/ directory and run CMake appending the FLB_STATIC_CONF option pointing the configuration directory recently created, e.g:
then build it:
At this point the fluent-bit binary generated is ready to run without necessity of further configuration:
The collectd input plugin allows you to receive datagrams from collectd service.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Here is a basic configuration example.
With this configuration, Fluent Bit listens to
, and outputs incoming datagram packets to stdout.
You must set the same types.db files that your collectd server uses. Otherwise, Fluent Bit may not be able to interpret the payload properly.
Fluent Bit container images are available on Docker Hub ready for production usage. Current available images can be deployed in multiple architectures.
It's strongly suggested that you always use the latest image of Fluent Bit.
In addition, the main manifest provides images for arm64v8 and arm32v7 architectures. From a deployment perspective, there is no need to specify an architecture, the container client tool that pulls the image gets the proper layer for the running architecture.
For every architecture we build the layers using the following base images:
Download the last stable image from 1.8 series:
Once the image is in place, now run the following (useless) test which makes Fluent Bit measure CPU usage by the container:
That command will let Fluent Bit measure CPU usage every second and flush the results to the standard output, e.g:
Alpine Linux uses Musl C library instead of Glibc. Musl is not fully compatible with Glibc which generated many issues in the following areas when used with Fluent Bit:
Memory Allocator: to run Fluent Bit properly in high-load environments, we use Jemalloc as a default memory allocator which reduce fragmentation and provides better performance for our needs. Jemalloc cannot run smoothly with Musl and requires extra work.
Alpine Linux Musl functions bootstrap have a compatibility issue when loading Golang shared libraries, this generate problems when trying to load Golang output plugins in Fluent Bit.
Alpine Linux Musl Time format parser does not support Glibc extensions
Maintainers preference in terms of base image due to security and maintenance reasons are Distroless and Debian.
Our Docker containers images are deployed thousands of times per day, we take security and stability very seriously.
The latest tag most of the time points to the latest stable image. When we release a major update to Fluent Bit like for example from v1.3.x to v1.4.0, we don't move latest tag until 2 weeks after the release. That give us extra time to verify with our community that everything works as expected.
Fluent Bit is distributed as td-agent-bit package for Windows. Fluent Bit has two flavours of Windows installers: a ZIP archive (for quick testing) and an EXE installer (for system installation).
Currently the default configuration is intended for Linux only so will not function on Windows. Make sure to provide a valid Windows configuration with the installation, a sample one is shown below:
The latest stable version is 1.8.15, each version is available on the Github release as well as at https://fluentbit.io/releases/<Major Version>/Major>fluent-bit-<Full Version>-win[32|64].exe
Legacy td-agent-bit
packages are also available, just substitute fluent-bit
with td-agent-bit
in the URLs above.
To check the integrity, use Get-FileHash
cmdlet on PowerShell.
Download a ZIP archive from above. There are installers for 32-bit and 64-bit environments, so choose one suitable for your environment.
Then you need to expand the ZIP archive. You can do this by clicking "Extract All" on Explorer, or if you're using PowerShell, you can use Expand-Archive
The ZIP package contains the following set of files.
Now, launch cmd.exe or PowerShell on your machine, and execute fluent-bit.exe
as follows.
If you see the following output, it's working fine!
To halt the process, press CTRL-C in the terminal.
Then, double-click the EXE installer you've downloaded. Installation wizard will automatically start.
Click Next and proceed. By default, Fluent Bit is installed into C:\Program Files\td-agent-bit\
, so you should be able to launch fluent-bit as follow after installation.
To silently install to C:\fluent-bit
directory here is an example:
The uninstaller automatically provided also supports a silent un-install using the same /S
flag. This may be useful for provisioning with automation like Ansible, Puppet, etc.
Windows services are equivalent to "daemons" in UNIX (i.e. long-running background processes). Since v1.5.0, Fluent Bit has the native support for Windows Service.
Suppose you have the following installation layout:
To register Fluent Bit as a Windows service, you need to execute the following command on Command Prompt. Please be careful that a single space is required after binpath=
Now Fluent Bit can be started and managed as a normal Windows service.
To halt the Fluent Bit service, just execute the "stop" command.
To start Fluent Bit automatically on boot, execute the following:
C:\Program Files
Quotations are required if file paths contain spaces. Here is an example:
Instead of sc.exe
, PowerShell can be used to manage Windows services.
Create a Fluent Bit service:
Start the service:
Query the service status:
Stop the service:
Remove the service (requires PowerShell 6.0 or later)
If you need to create a custom executable, you can use the following procedure to compile Fluent Bit by yourself.
First, you need Microsoft Visual C++ to compile Fluent Bit. You can install the minimum toolkit by the following command:
When asked which packages to install, choose "C++ Build Tools" (make sure that "C++ CMake tools for Windows" is selected too) and wait until the process finishes.
Open the start menu on Windows and type "Developer Command Prompt".
Clone the source code of Fluent Bit.
Compile the source code.
Now you should be able to run Fluent Bit:
To create a ZIP package, call cpack
as follows:
If the plugin has been configured with , this entry will report if the plugin is over the limit or not at the moment of the dump. If it is overlimit, it will print yes
, otherwise no
in normal operation mode allows to be configurable through or using specific arguments in the command line, while this is the ideal deployment case, there are scenarios where a more restricted configuration is required: static configuration mode.
The following steps assumes you are familiar with configuring Fluent Bit using text files and you have experience building it from scratch as described in the section.
In your file system prepare a specific directory that will be used as an entry point for the build system to lookup and parse the configuration files. It is mandatory that this directory contain as a minimum one configuration file called fluent-bit.conf containing the required , and sections. As an example create a new fluent-bit.conf file with the following content:
The following table describes the tags that are available on Docker Hub repository:
Our x86_64 stable image is based on focusing on security containing just the Fluent Bit binary and minimal system libraries and basic configuration. Optionally, we provide debug images for x86_64 which contain a full shell and package manager that can be used to troubleshoot or for testing purposes.
Download an EXE installer from the . It has both 32-bit and 64-bit builds. Choose one which is suitable for you.
The Windows installer is built by [CPack
using NSIS(https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/cpack_gen/nsis.html) and so supports the that all NSIS installers do for silent installation and the directory to install to.
Also you need to install flex and bison. One way to install them on Windows is to use .
Add the path C:\WinFlexBison
to your systems environment variable "Path". .
Also you need to install to pull the source code from the repository.
Set the address to listen to
Set the port to listen to
Set the data specification file
1.8, 1.8.15
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.15
1.8-debug, 1.8.15-debug
v1.8.x releases (production + debug)
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.14
v1.8.x releases (production + debug)
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.13
v1.8.x releases (production + debug)
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.12
v1.8.x releases (production + debug)
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.11
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.10
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.9
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.8
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.7
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.6
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.5
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.4
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.3
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.2
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
x86_64, arm64v8, arm32v7
Release v1.8.1
v1.8.x releases + Busybox
The dummy input plugin, generates dummy events. It is useful for testing, debugging, benchmarking and getting started with Fluent Bit.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
You can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
Dummy JSON record. Default: {"message":"dummy"}
Dummy base timestamp in seconds. Default: 0
Dummy base timestamp in nanoseconds. Default: 0
Events number generated per second. Default: 1
If set, the events number will be limited. e.g. If Samples=3, the plugin only generates three events and stops.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Enable traffic through a proxy server via HTTP_PROXY environment variable
Fluent Bit supports setting up a HTTP proxy for all egress HTTP/HTTPS traffic by setting HTTP_PROXY
environment variable:
You can set up basic authentication with HTTP_PROXY=http://<username>:<password>@<proxy host>:<port>
to provide your username
and password
when connecting to the proxy.
You can also set up HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy host>:<port>
to omit username
and password
if there is none.
environment variable is a standard way for setting a HTTP proxy in a containerized environment, and it is also natively supported by any application written in Go. Therefore, we follow and implement the same convention for Fluent Bit.
Note: HTTP proxy is also supported using the HTTP output plugin. This configuration continues to work, however it should not be used together with the HTTP_PROXY
environment variable. This is because under the hood, the HTTP_PROXY
environment variable based proxy support is implemented by setting up a TCP connection tunnel via HTTP CONNECT. Unlike the plugin's implementation, this supports both HTTP and HTTPS egress traffic.
In some environments, we wish HTTP traffic for some domains don't go through the HTTP_PROXY, and this is where we need to use NO_PROXY
environment variable.
is a comma-separated list of host names that shouldn't go through any proxy is set in (only an asterisk, * matches all hosts), e.g. foo.com,bar.com
. This is as a curl convention.
One typical use case for NO_PROXY
is when running fluent-bit in a Kubernetes environment, where we want:
All real egress traffic goes through a HTTP proxy.
All "Kubernetes local" traffic does not go through the HTTP proxy.
We can set NO_PROXY=,localhost,kubernetes.default.svc
in this case.
The disk input plugin, gathers the information about the disk throughput of the running system every certain interval of time and reports them.
The Disk I/O metrics plugin creates metrics that are log-based (I.e. JSON payload). If you are looking for Prometheus-based metrics please see the Node Exporter Metrics input plugin.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Polling interval (seconds).
Polling interval (nanosecond).
Device name to limit the target. (e.g. sda). If not set, in_disk gathers information from all of disks and partitions.
all disks
In order to get disk usage from your system, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Note: Total interval (sec) = Interval_Sec + (Interval_Nsec / 1000000000).
e.g. 1.5s = 1s + 500000000ns
A plugin based on Prometheus Node Exporter to collect system / host level metrics
Prometheus Node Exporter is a popular way to collect system level metrics from operating systems, such as CPU / Disk / Network / Process statistics. Fluent Bit 1.8.0 includes node exporter metrics plugin that builds off the Prometheus design to collect system level metrics without having to manage two separate processes or agents.
The initial release of Node Exporter Metrics contains a subset of collectors and metrics available from Prometheus Node Exporter and we plan to expand them over time.
Important note: Metrics collected with Node Exporter Metrics flow through a separate pipeline from logs and current filters do not operate on top of metrics.
This plugin is currently only supported on Linux based operating systems\
The rate at which metrics are collected from the host operating system
5 seconds
The mount point used to collect process information and metrics
The path in the filesystem used to collect system metrics
The following table describes the available collectors as part of this plugin. All of them are enabled by default and respects the original metrics name, descriptions, and types from Prometheus Exporter, so you can use your current dashboards without any compatibility problem.
note: the Version column specifies the Fluent Bit version where the collector is available.
Exposes CPU statistics.
Exposes CPU frequency statistics.
Exposes disk I/O statistics.
Exposes file descriptor statistics from /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
Exposes load average.
Exposes memory statistics.
Exposes network interface statistics such as bytes transferred.
Exposes various statistics from /proc/stat
. This includes boot time, forks, and interruptions.
Exposes the current system time.
Exposes system information as provided by the uname system call.
Exposes statistics from /proc/vmstat
In the following configuration file, the input plugin _node_exporter_metrics collects _metrics every 2 seconds and exposes them through our Prometheus Exporter output plugin on HTTP/TCP port 2021.
You can test the expose of the metrics by using curl:
When deploying Fluent Bit in a container you will need to specify additional settings to ensure that Fluent Bit has access to the host operating system. The following docker command deploys Fluent Bit with specific mount paths and settings enabled to ensure that Fluent Bit can collect from the host. These are then exposed over port 2021.
If you like dashboards for monitoring, Grafana is one of the preferred options. In our Fluent Bit source code repository, we have pushed a simple **docker-compose **example. Steps:
Now open your browser in the address When asked for the credentials to access Grafana, just use the **admin **username and admin password.
Note that by default Grafana dashboard plots the data from the last 24 hours, so just change it to Last 5 minutes to see the recent data being collected.
Our current plugin implements a sub-set of the available collectors in the original Prometheus Node Exporter, if you would like that we prioritize a specific collector please open a Github issue by using the following template: - in_node_exporter_metrics
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
In order to receive Forward messages, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file as shown in the following examples.
From the command line you can let Fluent Bit listen for Forward messages with the following options:
By default the service will listen an all interfaces ( through TCP port 24224, optionally you can change this directly, e.g:
In the example the Forward messages will only arrive through network interface under address and TCP Port 9090.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
A plugin to collect Fluent Bit's own metrics
The head input plugin, allows to read events from the head of file. It's behavior is similar to the head command.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
This mode is useful to get a specific line. This is an example to get CPU frequency from /proc/cpuinfo.
/proc/cpuinfo is a special file to get cpu information.
Cpu frequency is "cpu MHz : 2791.009". We can get the line with this configuration file.
Output is
In order to read the head of a file, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
The following example will read events from the /proc/uptime file, tag the records with the uptime name and flush them back to the stdout plugin:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Note: Total interval (sec) = Interval_Sec + (Interval_Nsec / 1000000000).
e.g. 1.5s = 1s + 500000000ns
The exec input plugin, allows to execute external program and collects event logs.
This plugin will not function in the distroless production images (AMD64 currently) as it needs a functional /bin/sh
which is not present. It will function in the 1.8.12 and later -debug
images though as well as the ARM production images as these include a full shell.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
You can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
The following example will read events from the output of ls.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
In certain scenarios would be ideal to estimate how much memory Fluent Bit could be using, this is very useful for containerized environments where memory limits are a must.
Input plugins append data independently, so in order to do an estimation a limit should be imposed through the Mem_Buf_Limit option. If the limit was set to 10MB we need to estimate that in the worse case, the output plugin likely could use 20MB.
So, if we impose a limit of 10MB for the input plugins and considering the worse case scenario of the output plugin consuming 20MB extra, as a minimum we need (30MB x 1.2) = 36MB.
Is well known that in intensive environments where memory allocations happens in the order of magnitude, the default memory allocator provided by Glibc could lead to a high fragmentation, reporting a high memory usage by the service.
You can check if Fluent Bit has been built with Jemalloc using the following command:
The output should looks like:
If the FLB_HAVE_JEMALLOC option is listed in Build Flags, everything will be fine.
The HTTP input plugin allows you to send custom records to an HTTP endpoint.
The http input plugin allows Fluent Bit to open up an HTTP port that you can then route data to in a dynamic way. This plugin supports dynamic tags which allow you to send data with different tags through the same input. An example video and curl message can be seen below
How to set tag
The tag for the HTTP input plugin is set by adding the tag to the end of the request URL. This tag is then used to route the event through the system. For example, in the following curl message below the tag set is app.log
**. **If you do not set the tag http.0
is automatically used. If you have multiple HTTP inputs then they will follow a pattern of http.N
where N is an integer representing the input.
Example Curl message
Configuration files must be flexible enough for any deployment need, but they must keep a clean and readable format.
Fluent Bit Commands extends a configuration file with specific built-in features. The list of commands available as of Fluent Bit 0.12 series are:
Configuring a logging pipeline might lead to an extensive configuration file. In order to maintain a human-readable configuration, it's suggested to split the configuration in multiple files.
The @INCLUDE command allows the configuration reader to include an external configuration file, e.g:
The above example defines the main service configuration file and also include two files to continue the configuration:
Note that despites the order of inclusion, Fluent Bit will ALWAYS respect the following order:
The @SET command can only be used at root level of each line, meaning it cannot be used inside a section, e.g:
Forward is the protocol used by and to route messages between peers. This plugin implements the input service to listen for Forward messages.
Once Fluent Bit is running, you can send some messages using the fluent-cat tool (this tool is provided by :
In we should see the following output:
Fluent Bit exposes its to allow you to monitor the internals of your pipeline. The collected metrics can be processed similarly to those from the . They can be sent to output plugins including or .
In the following configuration file, the input plugin _node_exporter_metrics collects _metrics every 2 seconds and exposes them through our output plugin on HTTP/TCP port 2021.
In order to estimate we will assume that the input plugins have set the Mem_Buf_Limit option (you can learn more about it in the section).
Fluent Bit has an internal binary representation for the data being processed, but when this data reach an output plugin, this one will likely create their own representation in a new memory buffer for processing. The best example are the and output plugins, both needs to convert the binary representation to their respective-custom JSON formats before to talk to their backend servers.
It's strongly suggested that in any production environment, Fluent Bit should be built with enabled (e.g. -DFLB_JEMALLOC=On
). Jemalloc is an alternative memory allocator that can reduce fragmentation (among others things) resulting in better performance.
Fluent Bit supports , one way to expose this variables to Fluent Bit is through setting a Shell environment variable, the other is through the @SET command.
Listener network interface.
TCP port to listen for incoming connections.
Specify the path to unix socket to receive a Forward message. If set, Listen
and Port
are ignored.
Specify the maximum buffer memory size used to receive a Forward message. The value must be according to the Unit Size specification.
By default the buffer to store the incoming Forward messages, do not allocate the maximum memory allowed, instead it allocate memory when is required. The rounds of allocations are set by Buffer_Chunk_Size. The value must be according to the Unit Size specification.
Prefix incoming tag with the defined value.
The rate at which metrics are collected from the host operating system
2 seconds
Scrape metrics upon start, useful to avoid waiting for 'scrape_interval' for the first round of metrics.
Absolute path to the target file, e.g: /proc/uptime
Buffer size to read the file.
Polling interval (seconds).
Polling interval (nanosecond).
If enabled, filepath is appended to each records. Default value is false.
Rename a key. Default: head.
Line number to read. If the number N is set, in_head reads first N lines like head(1) -n.
If enabled, in_head generates key-value pair per line.
The command to execute.
Specify the name of a parser to interpret the entry as a structured message.
Polling interval (seconds).
Polling interval (nanosecond).
Size of the buffer (check unit sizes for allowed values)
Only run once at startup. This allows collection of data precedent to fluent-bit's startup (bool, default: false)
The address to listen on
The port for Fluent Bit to listen on
Specify the maximum buffer size in KB to receive a JSON message.
This sets the chunk size for incoming incoming JSON messages. These chunks are then stored/managed in the space available by buffer_max_size.
Include a configuration file
Set a configuration variable
Fluent Bit has an Engine that helps to coordinate the data ingestion from input plugins and call the Scheduler to decide when is time to flush the data through one or multiple output plugins. The Scheduler flush new data every a fixed time of seconds and Schedule retries when asked.
Once an output plugin gets call to flush some data, after processing that data it can notify the Engine three possible return statuses:
If the return status was OK, it means it was successfully able to process and flush the data, if it returned an Error status, means that an unrecoverable error happened and the engine should not try to flush that data again. If a Retry was requested, the Engine will ask the Scheduler to retry to flush that data, the Scheduler will decide how many seconds to wait before that happen.
The Scheduler provides a simple configuration option called Retry_Limit which can be set independently on each output section. This option allows to disable retries or impose a limit to try N times and then discard the data after reaching that limit:
Integer value to set the maximum number of retries allowed. N must be >= 1 (default: 1)
or False
When Retry_Limit is set to no_limits
, means that there is not limit for the number of retries that the Scheduler can do.
When Retry_Limit is set to no_retries, means that reries are disabled and Scheduler would not try to send data to destination if it failed first time.
The following example configure two outputs where the HTTP plugin have an unlimited number of retries and the Elasticsearch plugin have a limit of 5 times:
The cpu input plugin, measures the CPU usage of a process or the whole system by default (considering per CPU core). It reports values in percentage unit for every interval of time set. At the moment this plugin is only available for Linux.
The following tables describes the information generated by the plugin. The keys below represent the data used by the overall system, all values associated to the keys are in a percentage unit (0 to 100%):
The CPU metrics plugin creates metrics that are log-based (I.e. JSON payload). If you are looking for Prometheus-based metrics please see the Node Exporter Metrics input plugin.
CPU usage of the overall system, this value is the summatory of time spent on user and kernel space. The result takes in consideration the numbers of CPU cores in the system.
CPU usage in User mode, for short it means the CPU usage by user space programs. The result of this value takes in consideration the numbers of CPU cores in the system.
CPU usage in Kernel mode, for short it means the CPU usage by the Kernel. The result of this value takes in consideration the numbers of CPU cores in the system.
In addition to the keys reported in the above table, a similar content is created per CPU core. The cores are listed from 0 to N as the Kernel reports:
Represents the total CPU usage by core N.
Total CPU spent in user mode or user space programs associated to this core.
Total CPU spent in system or kernel mode associated to this core.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Polling interval in seconds
Polling interval in nanoseconds
Specify the ID (PID) of a running process in the system. By default the plugin monitors the whole system but if this option is set, it will only monitor the given process ID.
In order to get the statistics of the CPU usage of your system, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
As described above, the CPU input plugin gathers the overall usage every one second and flushed the information to the output on the fifth second. On this example we used the stdout plugin to demonstrate the output records. In a real use-case you may want to flush this information to some central aggregator such as Fluentd or Elasticsearch.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Health input plugin allows you to check how healthy a TCP server is. It does the check by issuing a TCP connection every a certain interval of time.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Name of the target host or IP address to check.
TCP port where to perform the connection check.
Interval in seconds between the service checks. Default value is 1.
Specify a nanoseconds interval for service checks, it works in conjunction with the Interval_Sec configuration key. Default value is 0.
If enabled, it will only generate messages if the target TCP service is down. By default this option is disabled.
If enabled, hostname is appended to each records. Default value is false.
If enabled, port number is appended to each records. Default value is false.
In order to start performing the checks, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
From the command line you can let Fluent Bit generate the checks with the following options:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Once Fluent Bit is running, you will see some random values in the output interface similar to this:
The kmsg input plugin reads the Linux Kernel log buffer since the beginning, it gets every record and parse it field as priority, sequence, seconds, useconds, and message.
In order to start getting the Linux Kernel messages, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
As described above, the plugin processed all messages that the Linux Kernel reported, the output has been truncated for clarification.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Process input plugin allows you to check how healthy a process is. It does so by performing a service check at every certain interval of time specified by the user.
The Process metrics plugin creates metrics that are log-based (I.e. JSON payload). If you are looking for Prometheus-based metrics please see the Node Exporter Metrics input plugin.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Name of the target Process to check.
Interval in seconds between the service checks. Default value is 1.
Specify a nanoseconds interval for service checks, it works in conjunction with the Interval_Sec configuration key. Default value is 0.
If enabled, it will only generate messages if the target process is down. By default this option is disabled.
If enabled, a number of fd is appended to each records. Default value is true.
If enabled, memory usage of the process is appended to each records. Default value is true.
In order to start performing the checks, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
The following example will check the health of crond process.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Once Fluent Bit is running, you will see the health of process:
You may wish to test a logging pipeline locally to observe how it deals with log messages. The following is a walk-through for running Fluent Bit and Elasticsearch locally with Docker Compose which can serve as an example for testing other plugins locally.
Refer to the Configuration File section to create a configuration to test.
Use Docker Compose to run Fluent Bit (with the configuration file mounted) and Elasticsearch.
To view indexed logs run:
To "start fresh", delete the index by running:
Learn how to monitor your data pipeline with external services
A Data Pipeline represents a flow of data that goes through the inputs (sources), filers, and output (sinks). There are a couple of ways to monitor the pipeline. We recommend the following sections for a better understanding and steps to get started:
The mem input plugin, gathers the information about the memory and swap usage of the running system every certain interval of time and reports the total amount of memory and the amount of free available.
In order to get memory and swap usage from your system, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
The serial input plugin, allows to retrieve messages/data from a Serial interface.
In order to retrieve messages over the Serial interface, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
The following example loads the input serial plugin where it set a Bitrate of 9600, listen from the /dev/tnt0 interface and use the custom tag data to route the message.
The above interface (/dev/tnt0) is an emulation of the serial interface (more details at bottom), for demonstrative purposes we will write some message to the other end of the interface, in this case /dev/tnt1, e.g:
In Fluent Bit you should see an output like this:
Now using the Separator configuration, we could send multiple messages at once (run this command after starting Fluent Bit):
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
The following content is some extra information that will allow you to emulate a serial interface on your Linux system, so you can test this Serial input plugin locally in case you don't have such interface in your computer. The following procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 15.04 running a Linux Kernel 4.0.
Download the sources
Unpack and compile
Copy the new kernel module into the kernel modules directory
Load the module
You should see new serial ports in /dev/ (ls /dev/tnt*) Give appropriate permissions to the new serial ports:
When the module is loaded, it will interconnect the following virtual interfaces:
The MQTT input plugin, allows to retrieve messages/data from MQTT control packets over a TCP connection. The incoming data to receive must be a JSON map.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
In order to start listening for MQTT messages, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
Since the MQTT input plugin let Fluent Bit behave as a server, we need to dispatch some messages using some MQTT client, in the following example mosquitto tool is being used for the purpose:
The following command line will send a message to the MQTT input plugin:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
The docker input plugin allows you to collect Docker container metrics such as memory usage and CPU consumption.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
If you set neither Include
nor Exclude
, the plugin will try to get metrics from all the running containers.
Here is an example configuration that collects metrics from two docker instances (6bab19c3a0f9
and 14159be4ca2c
This configuration will produce records like below.
The docker events input plugin uses the docker API to capture server events. A complete list of possible events returned by this plugin can be found
Absolute path to the device entry, e.g: /dev/ttyS0
The bitrate for the communication, e.g: 9600, 38400, 115200, etc
The serial interface will expect at least Min_Bytes to be available before to process the message (default: 1)
Allows to specify a separator string that's used to determinate when a message ends.
Specify the format of the incoming data stream. The only option available is 'json'. Note that Format and Separator cannot be used at the same time.
Listener network interface, default:
TCP port where listening for connections, default: 1883
The docker socket unix path
The size of the buffer used to read docker events (in bytes)
Specify the name of a parser to interpret the entry as a structured message.
When a message is unstructured (no parser applied), it's appended as a string under the key name message.
The maximum number of retries allowed. The plugin tries to reconnect with docker socket when EOF is detected.
The retrying interval. Unit is second.
Polling interval in seconds
A space-separated list of containers to include
A space-separated list of containers to exclude
The tail input plugin allows to monitor one or several text files. It has a similar behavior like tail -f
shell command.
The plugin reads every matched file in the Path
pattern and for every new line found (separated by a ), it generates a new record. Optionally a database file can be used so the plugin can have a history of tracked files and a state of offsets, this is very useful to resume a state if the service is restarted.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Pattern specifying a specific log file or multiple ones through the use of common wildcards. Multiple patterns separated by commas are also allowed.
If enabled, it appends the name of the monitored file as part of the record. The value assigned becomes the key in the map.
Set one or multiple shell patterns separated by commas to exclude files matching certain criteria, e.g: Exclude_Path *.gz,*.zip
If enabled, Fluent Bit appends the offset of the current monitored file as part of the record. The value assigned becomes the key in the map
For new discovered files on start (without a database offset/position), read the content from the head of the file, not tail.
The interval of refreshing the list of watched files in seconds.
Specify the number of extra time in seconds to monitor a file once is rotated in case some pending data is flushed.
Ignores files which modification date is older than this time in seconds. Supports m,h,d (minutes, hours, days) syntax.
When a monitored file reaches its buffer capacity due to a very long line (Buffer_Max_Size), the default behavior is to stop monitoring that file. Skip_Long_Lines alter that behavior and instruct Fluent Bit to skip long lines and continue processing other lines that fits into the buffer size.
Skips empty lines in the log file from any further processing or output.
Specify the database file to keep track of monitored files and offsets.
Specify that the database will be accessed only by Fluent Bit. Enabling this feature helps to increase performance when accessing the database but it restrict any external tool to query the content.
sets the journal mode for databases (WAL). Enabling WAL provides higher performance. Note that WAL is not compatible with shared network file systems.
Set a limit of memory that Tail plugin can use when appending data to the Engine. If the limit is reach, it will be paused; when the data is flushed it resumes.
When reading a file will exit as soon as it reach the end of the file. Useful for bulk load and tests
Specify the name of a parser to interpret the entry as a structured message.
When a message is unstructured (no parser applied), it's appended as a string under the key name log. This option allows to define an alternative name for that key.
Set to false to use file stat watcher instead of inotify.
Set a regex to extract fields from the file name. E.g. (?<pod_name>[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)_(?<namespace_name>[^_]+)_(?<container_name>.+)-
Set the maximum number of bytes to process per iteration for the monitored static files (files that already exists upon Fluent Bit start).
Note that if the database parameter DB
is not specified, by default the plugin will start reading each target file from the beginning. This also might cause some unwanted behavior, for example when a line is bigger that Buffer_Chunk_Size
and Skip_Long_Lines
is not turned on, the file will be read from the beginning of each Refresh_Interval
until the file is rotated.
Starting from Fluent Bit v1.8 we have introduced a new Multiline core functionality. For Tail input plugin, it means that now it supports the old configuration mechanism but also the new one. In order to avoid breaking changes, we will keep both but encourage our users to use the latest one. We will call the two mechanisms as:
Multiline Core
Old Multiline
The new multiline core is exposed by the following configuration:
As stated in the Multiline Parser documentation, now we provide built-in configuration modes. Note that when using a new multiline.parser
definition, you must disable the old configuration from your tail section like:
If you are running Fluent Bit to process logs coming from containers like Docker or CRI, you can use the new built-in modes for such purposes. This will help to reassembly multiline messages originally split by Docker or CRI:
The two options separated by a comma means multi-format: try docker
and cri
multiline formats.
We are still working on extending support to do multiline for nested stack traces and such. Over the Fluent Bit v1.8.x release cycle we will be updating the documentation.
For the old multiline configuration, the following options exist to configure the handling of multilines logs:
If enabled, the plugin will try to discover multiline messages and use the proper parsers to compose the outgoing messages. Note that when this option is enabled the Parser option is not used.
Wait period time in seconds to process queued multiline messages
Name of the parser that matches the beginning of a multiline message. Note that the regular expression defined in the parser must include a group name (named capture), and the value of the last match group must be a string
Optional-extra parser to interpret and structure multiline entries. This option can be used to define multiple parsers, e.g: Parser_1 ab1, Parser_2 ab2, Parser_N abN.
Docker mode exists to recombine JSON log lines split by the Docker daemon due to its line length limit. To use this feature, configure the tail plugin with the corresponding parser and then enable Docker mode:
If enabled, the plugin will recombine split Docker log lines before passing them to any parser as configured above. This mode cannot be used at the same time as Multiline.
Wait period time in seconds to flush queued unfinished split lines.
Specify an optional parser for the first line of the docker multiline mode. The parser name to be specified must be registered in the parsers.conf
In order to tail text or log files, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
From the command line you can let Fluent Bit parse text files with the following options:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections. An example visualization can be found here
When using multi-line configuration you need to first specify Multiline On
in the configuration and use the Parser_Firstline
and additional parser parameters Parser_N
if needed. If we are trying to read the following Java Stacktrace as a single event
We need to specify a Parser_Firstline
parameter that matches the first line of a multi-line event. Once a match is made Fluent Bit will read all future lines until another match with Parser_Firstline
is made .
In the case above we can use the following parser, that extracts the Time as time
and the remaining portion of the multiline as log
If we want to further parse the entire event we can add additional parsers with Parser_N
where N is an integer. The final Fluent Bit configuration looks like the following:
Our output will be as follows.
The tail input plugin a feature to save the state of the tracked files, is strongly suggested you enabled this. For this purpose the db property is available, e.g:
When running, the database file /path/to/logs.db will be created, this database is backed by SQLite3 so if you are interested into explore the content, you can open it with the SQLite client tool, e.g:
Make sure to explore when Fluent Bit is not hard working on the database file, otherwise you will see some Error: database is locked messages.
By default SQLite client tool do not format the columns in a human read-way, so to explore in_tail_files table you can create a config file in ~/.sqliterc with the following content:
Fluent Bit keep the state or checkpoint of each file through using a SQLite database file, so if the service is restarted, it can continue consuming files from it last checkpoint position (offset). The default options set are enabled for high performance and corruption-safe.
The SQLite journaling mode enabled is Write Ahead Log
or WAL
. This allows to improve performance of read and write operations to disk. When enabled, you will see in your file system additional files being created, consider the following configuration statement:
The above configuration enables a database file called test.db
and in the same path for that file SQLite will create two additional files:
Those two files aims to support the WAL
mechanism that helps to improve performance and reduce the number system calls required. The -wal
file refers to the file that stores the new changes to be committed, at some point the WAL
file transactions are moved back to the real database file. The -shm
file is a shared-memory type to allow concurrent-users to the WAL
mechanism give us higher performance but also might increase the memory usage by Fluent Bit. Most of this usage comes from the memory mapped and cached pages. In some cases you might see that memory usage keeps a bit high giving the impression of a memory leak, but actually is not relevant unless you want your memory metrics back to normal. Starting from Fluent Bit v1.7.3 we introduced the new option db.journal_mode
mode that sets the journal mode for databases, by default it will be WAL (Write-Ahead Logging)
, currently allowed configurations for db.journal_mode
File rotation is properly handled, including logrotate's copytruncate mode.
Note that the Path
patterns cannot match the rotated files. Otherwise, the rotated file would be read again and lead to duplicate records.
Set the initial buffer size to read files data. This value is used to increase buffer size. The value must be according to the specification.
Set the limit of the buffer size per monitored file. When a buffer needs to be increased (e.g: very long lines), this value is used to restrict how much the memory buffer can grow. If reading a file exceeds this limit, the file is removed from the monitored file list. The value must be according to the specification.
Set a default synchronization (I/O) method. Values: Extra, Full, Normal, Off. This flag affects how the internal SQLite engine do synchronization to disk, for more details about each option please refer to . Most of workload scenarios will be fine with normal
mode, but if you really need full synchronization after every write operation you should set full
mode. Note that full
has a high I/O performance cost.
Set a tag (with regex-extract fields) that will be placed on lines read. E.g. kube.<namespace_name>.<pod_name>.<container_name>
. Note that "tag expansion" is supported: if the tag includes an asterisk (*), that asterisk will be replaced with the absolute path of the monitored file (also see ).
Specify one or multiple to apply to the content.
Syslog input plugins allows to collect Syslog messages through a Unix socket server (UDP or TCP) or over the network using TCP or UDP.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Defines transport protocol mode: unix_udp (UDP over Unix socket), unix_tcp (TCP over Unix socket), tcp or udp
If Mode is set to tcp or udp, specify the network interface to bind.
If Mode is set to tcp or udp, specify the TCP port to listen for incoming connections.
If Mode is set to unix_tcp or unix_udp, set the absolute path to the Unix socket file.
If Mode is set to unix_tcp or unix_udp, set the permission of the Unix socket file.
Specify an alternative parser for the message. If Mode is set to tcp or udp then the default parser is syslog-rfc5424 otherwise syslog-rfc3164-local is used. If your syslog messages have fractional seconds set this Parser value to syslog-rfc5424 instead.
By default the buffer to store the incoming Syslog messages, do not allocate the maximum memory allowed, instead it allocate memory when is required. The rounds of allocations are set by Buffer_Chunk_Size. If not set, Buffer_Chunk_Size is equal to 32000 bytes (32KB). Read considerations below when using udp or unix_udp mode.
Specify the maximum buffer size to receive a Syslog message. If not set, the default size will be the value of Buffer_Chunk_Size.
When using Syslog input plugin, Fluent Bit requires access to the parsers.conf file, the path to this file can be specified with the option -R or through the Parsers_File key on the [SERVICE] section (more details below).
When udp or unix_udp is used, the buffer size to receive messages is configurable only through the Buffer_Chunk_Size option which defaults to 32kb.
In order to receive Syslog messages, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
From the command line you can let Fluent Bit listen for Forward messages with the following options:
By default the service will create and listen for Syslog messages on the unix socket /tmp/in_syslog
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Once Fluent Bit is running, you can send some messages using the logger tool:
In Fluent Bit we should see the following output:
The following content aims to provide configuration examples for different use cases to integrate Fluent Bit and make it listen for Syslog messages from your systems.
Put the following content in your fluent-bit.conf file:
then start Fluent Bit.
Add a new file to your rsyslog config rules called 60-fluent-bit.conf inside the directory /etc/rsyslog.d/ and add the following content:
then make sure to restart your rsyslog daemon:
Put the following content in your fluent-bit.conf file:
then start Fluent Bit.
Add a new file to your rsyslog config rules called 60-fluent-bit.conf inside the directory /etc/rsyslog.d/ and place the following content:
Make sure that the socket file is readable by rsyslog (tweak the Unix_Perm
option shown above).
The Systemd input plugin allows to collect log messages from the Journald daemon on Linux environments.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Optional path to the Systemd journal directory, if not set, the plugin will use default paths to read local-only logs.
Set a maximum number of fields (keys) allowed per record.
When Fluent Bit starts, the Journal might have a high number of logs in the queue. In order to avoid delays and reduce memory usage, this option allows to specify the maximum number of log entries that can be processed per round. Once the limit is reached, Fluent Bit will continue processing the remaining log entries once Journald performs the notification.
Allows to perform a query over logs that contains a specific Journald key/value pairs, e.g: _SYSTEMD_UNIT=UNIT. The Systemd_Filter option can be specified multiple times in the input section to apply multiple filters as required.
Define the filter type when Systemd_Filter is specified multiple times. Allowed values are And and Or. With And a record is matched only when all of the Systemd_Filter have a match. With Or a record is matched when any of the Systemd_Filter has a match.
The tag is used to route messages but on Systemd plugin there is an extra functionality: if the tag includes a star/wildcard, it will be expanded with the Systemd Unit file (_SYSTEMD_UNIT
, e.g. host.* => host.UNIT_NAME) or unknown
(e.g. host.unknown) if _SYSTEMD_UNIT
is missing.
Specify the absolute path of a database file to keep track of Journald cursor.
Start reading new entries. Skip entries already stored in Journald.
Lowercase the Journald field (key).
Remove the leading underscore of the Journald field (key). For example the Journald field _PID becomes the key PID.
In order to receive Systemd messages, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
From the command line you can let Fluent Bit listen for Systemd messages with the following options:
In the example above we are collecting all messages coming from the Docker service.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Parsers are an important component of Fluent Bit, with them you can take any unstructured log entry and give them a structure that makes easier it processing and further filtering.
The parser engine is fully configurable and can process log entries based in two types of format:
Regular Expressions (named capture)
By default, Fluent Bit provides a set of pre-configured parsers that can be used for different use cases such as logs from:
Syslog rfc5424
Syslog rfc3164
Parsers are defined in one or multiple configuration files that are loaded at start time, either from the command line or through the main Fluent Bit configuration file.
Note: If you are using Regular Expressions note that Fluent Bit uses Ruby based regular expressions and we encourage to use Rubular web site as an online editor to test them.
Multiple parsers can be defined and each section has it own properties. The following table describes the available options for each parser definition:
Set an unique name for the parser in question.
If format is regex, this option must be set specifying the Ruby Regular Expression that will be used to parse and compose the structured message.
If the log entry provides a field with a timestamp, this option specifies the name of that field.
Specify a fixed UTC time offset (e.g. -0600, +0200, etc.) for local dates.
By default when a time key is recognized and parsed, the parser will drop the original time field. Enabling this option will make the parser to keep the original time field and it value in the log entry.
Specify the data type of parsed field. The syntax is types <field_name_1>:<type_name_1> <field_name_2>:<type_name_2> ...
. The supported types are string
(default), integer
, bool
, float
, hex
. The option is supported by ltsv
, logfmt
and regex
Decode a field value, the only decoder available is json
. The syntax is: Decode_Field json <field_name>
All parsers must be defined in a parsers.conf file, not in the Fluent Bit global configuration file. The parsers file expose all parsers available that can be used by the Input plugins that are aware of this feature. A parsers file can have multiple entries like this:
For more information about the parsers available, please refer to the default parsers file distributed with Fluent Bit source code:
Time resolution and it format supported are handled by using the strftime(3) libc system function.
In addition, we extended our time resolution to support fractional seconds like 2017-05-17T15:44:31**.187512963**Z. Since Fluent Bit v0.12 we have full support for nanoseconds resolution, the %L format option for Time_Format is provided as a way to indicate that content must be interpreted as fractional seconds.
Note: The option %L is only valid when used after seconds (
) or seconds since the Epoch (%s
), e.g:%S.%L
The statsd input plugin allows you to receive metrics via StatsD protocol.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Here is a configuration example.
Now you can input metrics through the UDP port as follows:
Fluent Bit will produce the following records:
The thermal input plugin reports system temperatures periodically -- each second by default. Currently this plugin is only available for Linux.
The following tables describes the information generated by the plugin.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
In order to get temperature(s) of your system, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
Some systems provide multiple thermal zones. In this example monitor only thermal_zone0 by name, once per minute.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Labeled Tab-separated Values (LTSV format is a variant of Tab-separated Values (TSV). Each record in a LTSV file is represented as a single line. Each field is separated by TAB and has a label and a value. The label and the value have been separated by ':'.
Here is an example how to use this format in the apache access log.
Config this in httpd.conf:
The parser.conf:
The following log entry is a valid content for the parser defined above:
After processing, it internal representation will be:
The time has been converted to Unix timestamp (UTC).
Set a default synchronization (I/O) method. values: Extra, Full, Normal, Off. This flag affects how the internal SQLite engine do synchronization to disk, for more details about each option please refer to . note: this option was introduced on Fluent Bit v1.4.6.
Specify the format of the parser, the available options here are: , , or .
Specify the format of the time field so it can be recognized and analyzed properly. Fluent-bit uses strptime(3)
to parse time so you can refer to for available modifiers.
The ltsv parser allows to parse formatted texts.
Listener network interface.
UDP port where listening for connections
The name of the thermal zone, such as thermal_zone0
The type of the thermal zone, such as x86_pkg_temp
Current temperature in celsius
Polling interval (seconds). default: 1
Polling interval (nanoseconds). default: 0
Optional name filter regex. default: None
Optional type filter regex. default: None
The netif input plugin gathers network traffic information of the running system every certain interval of time, and reports them.
The Network I/O Metrics plugin creates metrics that are log-based (I.e. JSON payload). If you are looking for Prometheus-based metrics please see the Node Exporter Metrics input plugin.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Specify the network interface to monitor. e.g. eth0
Polling interval (seconds). default: 1
Polling interval (nanosecond). default: 0
If true, gather metrics precisely. default: false
In order to monitor network traffic from your system, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Note: Total interval (sec) = Interval_Sec + (Interval_Nsec / 1000000000).
e.g. 1.5s = 1s + 500000000ns
The JSON parser is the simplest option: if the original log source is a JSON map string, it will take its structure and convert it directly to the internal binary representation.
A simple configuration that can be found in the default parsers configuration file, is the entry to parse Docker log files (when the tail input plugin is used):
The following log entry is a valid content for the parser defined above:
After processing, its internal representation will be:
The time has been converted to Unix timestamp (UTC) and the map reduced to each component of the original message.
The logfmt parser allows to parse the logfmt format described in https://brandur.org/logfmt . A more formal description is in https://godoc.org/github.com/kr/logfmt .
Here is an example configuration:
The following log entry is a valid content for the parser defined above:
After processing, it internal representation will be:
The winlog input plugin allows you to read Windows Event Log.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
A comma-separated list of channels to read from.
Set the polling interval for each channel. (optional)
Set the path to save the read offsets. (optional)
Note that if you do not set db, the plugin will read channels from the beginning on each startup.
Here is a minimum configuration example.
Note that some Windows Event Log channels (like Security
) requires an admin privilege for reading. In this case, you need to run fluent-bit as an administrator.
If you want to do a quick test, you can run this plugin from the command line.
The following plugin looks up if a value in a specified list exists and then allows the addition of a record to indicate if found. Introduced in version 1.8.4
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters
The single value file that Fluent Bit will use as a lookup table to determine if the specified lookup_key
The specific key to look up and determine if it exists, supports record accessor
The record to add if the lookup_key
is found in the specified file
. Note you may add multiple record parameters.
In the following configuration we will read a file test1.log
that includes the following values
Additionally, we will use the following lookup file which contains a list of malicious IPs (ip_list.txt
In the configuration we are using $remote_addr as the lookup key and is malicious. This means the record we would output for the last record would look like the following
The tcp input plugin allows to retrieve structured JSON or raw messages over a TCP network interface (TCP port).
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Listener network interface.
TCP port where listening for connections
Specify the maximum buffer size in KB to receive a JSON message. If not set, the default size will be the value of Chunk_Size.
By default the buffer to store the incoming JSON messages, do not allocate the maximum memory allowed, instead it allocate memory when is required. The rounds of allocations are set by Chunk_Size in KB. If not set, Chunk_Size is equal to 32 (32KB).
Specify the expected payload format. It support the options json and none. When using json, it expects JSON maps, when is set to none, it will split every record using the defined Separator (option below).
When the expected Format is set to none, Fluent Bit needs a separator string to split the records. By default it uses the breakline character (LF or 0x10).
In order to receive JSON messages over TCP, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
From the command line you can let Fluent Bit listen for JSON messages with the following options:
By default the service will listen an all interfaces ( through TCP port 5170, optionally you can change this directly, e.g:
In the example the JSON messages will only arrive through network interface under address and TCP Port 9090.
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Once Fluent Bit is running, you can send some messages using the netcat:
In Fluent Bit we should see the following output:
When receiving payloads in JSON format, there are high performance penalties. Parsing JSON is a very expensive task so you could expect your CPU usage increase under high load environments.
To get faster data ingestion, consider to use the option Format none
to avoid JSON parsing if not needed.
Random input plugin generate very simple random value samples using the device interface /dev/urandom, if not available it will use a unix timestamp as value.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
If set, it will only generate a specific number of samples. By default this value is set to -1, which will generate unlimited samples.
Interval in seconds between samples generation. Default value is 1.
Specify a nanoseconds interval for samples generation, it works in conjunction with the Interval_Sec configuration key. Default value is 0.
In order to start generating random samples, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
From the command line you can let Fluent Bit generate the samples with the following options:
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Once Fluent Bit is running, you will see the reports in the output interface similar to this:
The stdin plugin allows to retrieve valid JSON text messages over the standard input interface (stdin). In order to use it, specify the plugin name as the input, e.g:
As input data the stdin plugin recognize the following JSON data formats:
Give the script execution permission:
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
There are certain cases where the log messages being parsed contains encoded data, a typical use case can be found in containerized environments with Docker: application logs it data in JSON format but becomes an escaped string, Consider the following example
Original message generated by the application:
Then the Docker log message become encapsulated as follows:
as you can see the original message is handled as an escaped string. Ideally in Fluent Bit we would like to keep having the original structured message and not a string.
Decoders are a built-in feature available through the Parsers file, each Parser definition can optionally set one or multiple decoders. There are two type of decoders type:
Decode_Field: if the content can be decoded in a structured message, append that structure message (keys and values) to the original log message.
Decode_Field_As: any content decoded (unstructured or structured) will be replaced in the same key/value, no extra keys are added.
Our pre-defined Docker Parser have the following definition:
Each line in the parser with a key Decode_Field instruct the parser to apply a specific decoder on a given field, optionally it offer the option to take an extra action if the decoder cannot succeed.
By default if a decoder fails to decode the field or want to try a next decoder, is possible to define an optional action. Available actions are:
Note that actions are affected by some restrictions:
on Decode_Field_As, if succeeded, another decoder of the same type in the same field can be applied only if the data continues being an unstructured message (raw text).
on Decode_Field, if succeeded, can only be applied once for the same field. By nature Decode_Field aims to decode a structured message.
Example input (from /path/to/log.log
in configuration below)
Example output
Configuration file
The fluent-bit-parsers.conf
A better example to demonstrate how it works will be through a Bash script that generates messages and writes them to . Write the following content in a file named test.sh:
Now lets start the script and in the following way:
Set the buffer size to read data. This value is used to increase buffer size. The value must be according to the Unit Size specification.
handle the field content as a JSON map. If it find a JSON map it will replace the content with a structured map.
decode an escaped string.
decode a UTF8 escaped string.
if the decoder failed, apply the next Decoder in the list for the same field.
if the decoder succeeded or failed, apply the next Decoder in the list for the same field.
The regex parser allows to define a custom Ruby Regular Expression that will use a named capture feature to define which content belongs to which key name.
Fluent Bit uses Onigmo regular expression library on Ruby mode, for testing purposes you can use the following web editor to test your expressions:
Important: do not attempt to add multiline support in your regular expressions if you are using Tail input plugin since each line is handled as a separated entity. Instead use Tail Multiline support configuration feature.
Security Warning: Onigmo is a backtracking regex engine. You need to be careful not to use expensive regex patterns, or Onigmo can take very long time to perform pattern matching. For details, please read the article "ReDoS" on OWASP.
Note: understanding how regular expressions works is out of the scope of this content.
From a configuration perspective, when the format is set to regex, is mandatory and expected that a Regex configuration key exists.
The following parser configuration example aims to provide rules that can be applied to an Apache HTTP Server log entry:
As an example, takes the following Apache HTTP Server log entry:
The above content do not provide a defined structure for Fluent Bit, but enabling the proper parser we can help to make a structured representation of it:
A common pitfall is that you cannot use characters other than alphabets, numbers and underscore in group names. For example, a group name like (?<user-name>.*)
will cause an error due to containing an invalid character (-
In order to understand, learn and test regular expressions like the example above, we suggest you try the following Ruby Regular Expression Editor: http://rubular.com/r/X7BH0M4Ivm
The AWS Filter Enriches logs with AWS Metadata. Currently the plugin adds the EC2 instance ID and availability zone to log records. To use this plugin, you must be running in EC2 and have the instance metadata service enabled.
The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:
Specify which version of the instance metadata service to use. Valid values are 'v1' or 'v2'.
The EC2 instance ID.
The EC2 instance type.
The EC2 instance private ip.
The EC2 instance image id.
The account ID for current EC2 instance.
The hostname for current EC2 instance.
The VPC ID for current EC2 instance.
Note: If you run Fluent Bit in a container, you may have to use instance metadata v1. The plugin behaves the same regardless of which version is used.
The ; for example, "us-east-1a".