Google Cloud BigQuery

BigQuery output plugin is an experimental plugin that allows you to stream records into Google Cloud BigQuery service. The implementation does not support the following, which would be expected in a full production version:

Google Cloud Configuration

Fluent Bit streams data into an existing BigQuery table using a service account that you specify. Therefore, before using the BigQuery output plugin, you must create a service account, create a BigQuery dataset and table, authorize the service account to write to the table, and provide the service account credentials to Fluent Bit.

Creating a Service Account

To stream data into BigQuery, the first step is to create a Google Cloud service account for Fluent Bit:

Creating a BigQuery Dataset and Table

Fluent Bit does not create datasets or tables for your data, so you must create these ahead of time. You must also grant the service account WRITER permission on the dataset:

Within the dataset you will need to create a table for the data to reside in. You can follow the following instructions for creating your table. Pay close attention to the schema. It must match the schema of your output JSON. Unfortunately, since BigQuery does not allow dots in field names, you will need to use a filter to change the fields for many of the standard inputs (e.g, mem or cpu).

Retrieving Service Account Credentials

Fluent Bit BigQuery output plugin uses a JSON credentials file for authentication credentials. Download the credentials file by following these instructions:

Configurations Parameters

See Google's official documentation for further details.

Configuration File

If you are using a Google Cloud Credentials File, the following configuration is enough to get you started:

    Name  dummy
    Tag   dummy

    Name       bigquery
    Match      *
    dataset_id my_dataset
    table_id   dummy_table

Last updated