Record Modifier

The Record Modifier Filter plugin allows to append fields or to exclude specific fields.

Configuration Parameters

The plugin supports the following configuration parameters: Remove_key and Whitelist_key are exclusive.

Getting Started

In order to start filtering records, you can run the filter from the command line or through the configuration file.

This is a sample in_mem record to filter.

{""=>1016024, "Mem.used"=>716672, ""=>299352, ""=>2064380, "Swap.used"=>32656, ""=>2031724}

Append fields

The following configuration file is to append product name and hostname (via environment variable) to record.

    Name mem
    Tag  mem.local

    Name  stdout
    Match *

    Name record_modifier
    Match *
    Record hostname ${HOSTNAME}
    Record product Awesome_Tool

You can also run the filter from command line.

$ fluent-bit -i mem -o stdout -F record_modifier -p 'Record=hostname ${HOSTNAME}' -p 'Record=product Awesome_Tool' -m '*'

The output will be

[0] mem.local: [1492436882.000000000, {""=>1016024, "Mem.used"=>716672, ""=>299352, ""=>2064380, "Swap.used"=>32656, ""=>2031724, "hostname"=>"localhost.localdomain", "product"=>"Awesome_Tool"}]

Remove fields with Remove_key

The following configuration file is to remove 'Swap.*' fields.

    Name mem
    Tag  mem.local

    Name  stdout
    Match *

    Name record_modifier
    Match *
    Remove_key Swap.used

You can also run the filter from command line.

$ fluent-bit -i mem -o stdout -F  record_modifier -p '' -p '' -p 'Remove_key=Swap.used' -m '*'

The output will be

[0] mem.local: [1492436998.000000000, {""=>1016024, "Mem.used"=>716672, ""=>295332}]

Remove fields with Whitelist_key

The following configuration file is to remain 'Mem.*' fields.

    Name mem
    Tag  mem.local

    Name  stdout
    Match *

    Name record_modifier
    Match *
    Whitelist_key Mem.used

You can also run the filter from command line.

$ fluent-bit -i mem -o stdout -F  record_modifier -p '' -p '' -p 'Whitelist_key=Mem.used' -m '*'

The output will be

[0] mem.local: [1492436998.000000000, {""=>1016024, "Mem.used"=>716672, ""=>295332}]

Last updated