Getting Started
Fluent Bit is a straightforward tool and to get started with it we need to understand its basic workflow. Consider the following diagram a global overview of it:
Interface | Description |
Entry point of data. Implemented through Input Plugins, this interface allows to gather or receive data. E.g: log file content, data over TCP, built-in metrics, etc. | |
Parsers allow to convert unstructured data gathered from the Input interface into a structured one. Parsers are optional and depend on Input plugins. | |
The filtering mechanism allows to alter the data ingested by the Input plugins. Filters are implemented as plugins. | |
By default, the data ingested by the Input plugins resides in memory until is routed and delivered to an Output interface. | |
Data ingested by an Input interface is tagged, that means that a Tag is assigned and this one is used to determine where the data should be routed based on a match rule. | |
An output defines a destination for the data. Destinations are handled by output plugins. Note that thanks to the Routing interface, the data can be delivered to multiple destinations. |
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