
The Kafka input plugin allows subscribing to one or more Kafka topics to collect messages from an Apache Kafka service. This plugin uses the official librdkafka C library (built-in dependency).

Configuration Parameters

Getting Started

In order to subscribe/collect messages from Apache Kafka, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:

Command Line

The kafka plugin can read parameters through the -p argument (property), e.g:

$ fluent-bit -i kafka -o stdout -p brokers= -p topics=some-topic

Configuration File

In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:

    Name        kafka
    Topics      some-topic
    poll_ms     100

    Name        stdout

Example of using kafka input/output plugins

The fluent-bit source repository contains a full example of using fluent-bit to process kafka records:

    Name kafka
    brokers kafka-broker:9092
    topics fb-source
    poll_ms 100

    Name    lua
    Match   *
    script  kafka.lua
    call    modify_kafka_message

    Name kafka
    brokers kafka-broker:9092
    topics fb-sink

The above will connect to the broker listening on kafka-broker:9092 and subscribe to the fb-source topic, polling for new messages every 100 milliseconds.

Every message received is then processed with kafka.lua and sent back to the fb-sink topic of the same broker.

The example can be executed locally with make start in the examples/kafka_filter directory (docker/compose is used).

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