The influxdb output plugin, allows to flush your records into a InfluxDB time series database. The following instructions assumes that you have a fully operational InfluxDB service running in your system.
Configuration Parameters
Key | Description | default |
Host | IP address or hostname of the target InfluxDB service | |
Port | TCP port of the target InfluxDB service | 8086 |
Database | InfluxDB database name where records will be inserted | fluentbit |
Bucket | InfluxDB bucket name where records will be inserted - if specified, | |
Org | InfluxDB organization name where the bucket is (v2 only) | fluent |
Sequence_Tag | The name of the tag whose value is incremented for the consecutive simultaneous events. | _seq |
HTTP_User | Optional username for HTTP Basic Authentication | |
HTTP_Passwd | Password for user defined in HTTP_User | |
HTTP_Token | Authentication token used with InfluDB v2 - if specified, both HTTP_User and HTTP_Passwd are ignored | |
HTTP_Header | Add a HTTP header key/value pair. Multiple headers can be set | |
Tag_Keys | Space separated list of keys that needs to be tagged | |
Auto_Tags | Automatically tag keys where value is string. This option takes a boolean value: True/False, On/Off. | Off |
Uri | Custom URI endpoint | |
Workers | The number of workers to perform flush operations for this output. |
InfluxDB output plugin supports TLS/SSL, for more details about the properties available and general configuration, please refer to the TLS/SSL section.
Getting Started
In order to start inserting records into an InfluxDB service, you can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:
Command Line
The influxdb plugin, can read the parameters from the command line in two ways, through the -p argument (property) or setting them directly through the service URI. The URI format is the following:
Using the format specified, you could start Fluent Bit through:
Configuration File
In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:
Basic example of Tag_Keys
With Auto_Tags=On in this example cause error, because every parsed field value type is string. Best usage of this option in metrics like record where one or more field value is not string typed.
Basic example of Tags_List_Key
Before to start Fluent Bit, make sure the target database exists on InfluxDB, using the above example, we will insert the data into a fluentbit database.
1. Create database
Log into InfluxDB console:
Create the database:
Check the database exists:
2. Run Fluent Bit
The following command will gather CPU metrics from the system and send the data to InfluxDB database every five seconds:
Note that all records coming from the cpu input plugin, have a tag cpu, this tag is used to generate the measurement in InfluxDB
3. Query the data
From InfluxDB console, choose your database:
Now query some specific fields:
The CPU input plugin gather more metrics per CPU core, in the above example we just selected three specific metrics. The following query will give a full result:
4. View tags
Query tagged keys:
And now query method key values:
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